On-demand webinar

Empowering Cyber Resilience Through the US Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program (TCGP)

Cyber attacks continue to escalate globally, and no organization is immune. Among the hardest hit are Tribal government entities, where IT budgets are tight and valuable citizen data is plentiful.

Fortunately, for those Tribal governments hoping to strengthen their cyber and data security capabilities Elastic is here to help.

A strong cybersecurity plan is key to helping Tribal governments build cyber resilience. Watch this video to learn key strategies and tips for putting together an effective cybersecurity plan by leveraging Elastic for its enhanced logging capabilities.

Hosted by:

John Harmon

John Harmon

RVP Cyber Solutions


Bill Wright

Bill Wright

Sr. Director, Global Government Affairs



Questions? Contact us at  tribal@elastic.co to get in touch with our team. 

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