On-demand webinar

Effectively monitor web resources using the Elastic Stack

Hosted by:

AJ Pahl

AJ Pahl

Manager of Solutions Architecture



Monitoring the responsiveness of your web services and applications is a real challenge. Being able to track that responsiveness over time and at scale is even more interesting. Setting SLAs, SLOs, and KPIs requires not only a historical view but the ability to conduct analytics and forecasting.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how Heartbeat and Elastic Uptime can assist operations teams with observability, providing the actionable insights required to manage web services at scale. We’ll demonstrate how to build a synthetic transaction for SOAP and RESTful web services so you can get started right away.

Lastly, we’ll cover how Elastic machine learning features can keep you informed when it comes to anomalies and forecasting.


  • Getting started with the Elasticsearch Service
  • Using Elastic Uptime to discover availability issues in apps and services
  • Heartbeat configuration options for SOAP, XML and HTML endpoints.
  • Forecasting and anomaly detection with machine learning

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