
Articles by Andrew Kroh

Software Engineer, Elastic

Andrew is one of the core developers on the Beats project at Elastic. Before joining Elastic, he spent eight years working as a software engineer at The Boeing Company.


Elastic Stack 8.0.0-rc1 released

We’d like to announce the first release candidate of the Elastic Stack 8.0.0 and the continuation of the Pioneer Program. Give it a try and please share all the bugs you find on GitHub.


Introducing Auditbeat: Ship Linux Audit Logs to Elasticsearch and More

Auditbeat is a new Beat in 6.0. It audits the activities of users and processes. It collects Linux audit logs (similar to auditd) and monitors file integrity.


Monitoring Container Resource Usage with Metricbeat

Using Metricbeat to collect container metrics using Linux cgroups.


Monitoring Windows Logons with Winlogbeat

How to use the Winlogbeat and Kibana to visualize logon events from Windows event logs.


Detecting DNS Tunnels with Packetbeat and Watcher

Using Packetbeat with Elasticsearch and Watcher to detect DNS tunnels.