
Principal Product Marketing Manager, Global Public Sector

Leanne leads global public sector product marketing at Elastic. In this role, she helps connect government and education leaders with solutions and best practices that will help their teams better serve the public good. In addition to her professional experience in the technology space, she brings previous expertise working in magazine publishing. She enjoys learning about new ideas, technology, use cases, and helping smart people amplify their big ideas.


Why customer service matters for government — and how AI will help

Customer experience is critical for government agencies that connect citizens to resources and services. AI can help agencies increase online self-service options as well as make call center and help desk interactions faster and more personalized.


M-21-31 logging compliance: Overcoming the 3 top challenges

US federal agencies have made progress in adhering to M-21-31’s cyber threat response requirements but lag in advanced event logging requirements. Learn how Elastic can help agencies overcome three major challenges slowing M-21-31 logging compliance.


Why public sector needs AI-powered observability: Cost savings, ROI, and analyst efficiency

Elastic Observability helps public sector customers solve problems like IT modernization, data silos, and data inaccessibility. Customers gain significant value from Elastic Observability, including increased ROI, analyst efficiency and cost savings.


Building trust through digital-first citizen experiences

Learn how Elastic can help government agencies use data to elevate citizen experiences based on OMB M-23-22, which offers a policy framework for federal agencies as they continue to optimize online services and information.


Turning data into mission value in government and education

In this blog, we'll discuss information from a new study on data value and offer recommendations on how public sector leaders, such as government and education leaders, can best extract value from their data.


The power of generative AI for government and public sector

Amid the hype about generative AI, government leaders want to know what's implementable and valuable today — and what's just speculation. See the benefits it can bring for public sector when integrated with your internal data and Elasticsearch.


5 questions public sector leaders should be asking about their data

Government agencies and educational institutions are accelerating their move toward cloud, SaaS, and customer-first digital experiences. The common denominator of all these initiatives? Data.


Public sector security: 4 considerations for implementing a modern SIEM

Learn about the considerations public sector organizations should keep front of mind when purchasing or augmenting a SIEM solution.


By the numbers: Public sector organizations quantify the benefits of Elastic solutions

To help public sector organizations better understand how their peers are using Elastic and what results they’re seeing, we partnered with Socratic Technologies to manage and analyze a survey of our public sector and education customers.