Sizing & Estimate
Elastic Security for SIEM
Price Estimator
Begin your SIEM estimate below or give the endpoint estimator a try.
* Estimates are for Elastic Cloud only
Begin your SIEM estimate below or give the endpoint estimator a try.
* Estimates are for Elastic Cloud only
These prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on your workload. Contact us for more information on pricing or to request a quote. Other costs like Data Transfer & Storage (DTS) are included in the estimate above.
You are able to choose from several subscription levels.
Other potential charges included in the estimate totals | Estimate | |
Data transfer | About 15% of your monthly data transfer | $0 |
Snapshot storage | About 15% of your monthly data costs | $0 |
Annual estimates | Estimate |
Estimated annual price per GB/day (includes 30 days data retention) | $NaN |
Estimated additional data retention (NaN days optional retention) | $NaN |
Estimated annual total price (NaN days total retention) | $NaN |