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Math Functions


All math and trigonometric functions require their input (where applicable) to be numeric.


  • ABS

Absolute value, returns \[same type as input]

SELECT ABS(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
  • CBRT

Cube root, returns double

  • CEIL

Ceiling, returns double


Same as CEIL

  • E

Euler’s number, returns 2.7182818284590452354

This rounds "half up" meaning that ROUND(-1.5) results in -1.

SELECT LOG(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT LOG10(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT SQRT(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
  • ex (EXP)
SELECT EXP(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT EXP(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;


SELECT DEGREES(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT DEGREES(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT SIN(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT COS(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT TAN(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT ASIN(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT ACOS(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT ATAN(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT SINH(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
SELECT COSH(emp_no) m, first_name FROM "test_emp" WHERE emp_no < 10010 ORDER BY emp_no;
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