
The executive guide to generative AI

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Local gateway settings


The local gateway stores the cluster state and shard data across full cluster restarts.

The following static settings, which must be set on every master node, control how long a freshly elected master should wait before it tries to recover the cluster state and the cluster’s data:

[7.7.0] Deprecated in 7.7.0. This setting will be removed in 8.0. You should use gateway.expected_data_nodes instead. The number of (data or master) nodes that are expected to be in the cluster. Recovery of local shards will start as soon as the expected number of nodes have joined the cluster. Defaults to 0
[7.7.0] Deprecated in 7.7.0. This setting will be removed in 8.0. You should use gateway.expected_data_nodes instead. The number of master nodes that are expected to be in the cluster. Recovery of local shards will start as soon as the expected number of master nodes have joined the cluster. Defaults to 0
The number of data nodes that are expected to be in the cluster. Recovery of local shards will start as soon as the expected number of data nodes have joined the cluster. Defaults to 0
If the expected number of nodes is not achieved, the recovery process waits for the configured amount of time before trying to recover regardless. Defaults to 5m if one of the expected_nodes settings is configured.

Once the recover_after_time duration has timed out, recovery will start as long as the following conditions are met:

[7.7.0] Deprecated in 7.7.0. This setting will be removed in 8.0. You should use gateway.recover_after_data_nodes instead. Recover as long as this many data or master nodes have joined the cluster.
[7.7.0] Deprecated in 7.7.0. This setting will be removed in 8.0. You should use gateway.recover_after_data_nodes instead. Recover as long as this many master nodes have joined the cluster.
Recover as long as this many data nodes have joined the cluster.

These settings only take effect on a full cluster restart.

Dangling indices


When a node joins the cluster, any shards stored in its local data directory which do not already exist in the cluster will be imported into the cluster. This functionality is intended as a best effort to help users who lose all master nodes. If a new master node is started which is unaware of the other indices in the cluster, adding the old nodes will cause the old indices to be imported, instead of being deleted.

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