
The executive guide to generative AI

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Vis object


The vis object holds the visualization state and is the window into kibana:

  • vis.params: holds the visualization parameters
  • vis.indexPattern: selected index pattern object
  • vis.getState(): gets current visualization state
  • vis.updateState(): updates current state with values from vis.params
  • vis.resetState(): resets vis.params to the values in the current state
  • vis.forceReload(): forces whole cycle (request handler gets called)
  • vis.getUiState(): gets UI state of visualization
  • vis.uiStateVal(name, val): updates a property in UI state
  • vis.isEditorMode(): returns true if in editor mode
  • vis.API.timeFilter: allows you to access time picker
  • vis.API.queryFilter: gives you access to queryFilter
  • vis.API.queryManager: gives you access to add filters to the filter bar
  • default click handler
  • default brush handler

The visualization gets all its parameters in vis.params, which are default values merged with the current state. If the visualization needs to update the current state, it should update the vis.params and call vis.updateState() which will inform <visualize> about the change, which will call request and response handler and then your visualization’s render method.

For the parameters that should not be saved with the visualization you should use the UI state. These hold viewer-specific state, such as popup open/closed, custom colors applied to the series etc.

You can access filter bar and time picker through the objects defined on vis.API



Update the timefilter time values and call update() method on it to update time picker

   timefilter.time.from = moment(ranges.xaxis.from); = moment(;
   timefilter.time.mode = 'absolute';

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