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Vector styling


When styling a vector layer, you can customize your data by property, such as size and color. For each property, you can specify whether to use a constant or data driven value for the style.

Static styling


Use static styling to specificy a constant value for a style property.

This image shows an example of static styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set. The kibana_sample_data_logs layer uses static styling for all properties.

vector style static

Data driven styling


Use data driven styling to symbolize features by property values. To enable data driven styling for a style property, change the selected value from Fixed or Solid to By value.

This image shows an example of data driven styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set. The kibana_sample_data_logs layer uses data driven styling for fill color and symbol size style properties.

  • The hour_of_day property determines the fill color for each feature based on where the value fits on a linear scale. Light green circles symbolize documents that occur earlier in the day, and dark green circles symbolize documents that occur later in the day.
  • The bytes property determines the size of each symbol based on where the value fits on a linear scale. Smaller circles symbolize documents with smaller payloads, and larger circles symbolize documents with larger payloads.
vector style dynamic

Quantitative data driven styling


Quantitative data driven styling symbolizes features from a range of numeric property values.

Property values are fit from the domain range to the style range on a linear scale. For example, let’s symbolize Kibana sample web log documents by size. The sample web logs bytes field ranges from 0 to 18,000. This is the domain range. The smallest feature has a symbol radius of 1, and the largest feature has a symbol radius of 24. This is the style range. The bytes property value for each feature will fit on a linear scale from the range of 0 to 18,000 to the style range of 1 to 24.

To ensure symbols are consistent as you pan, zoom, and filter the map, quantitative data driven styling uses extended_stats aggregation to retrieve statistical metadata. Extended_stats is not available for numeric property values from the metric aggregations count, sum, and unique count.

To configure extended_stats, click the gear icon gear icon. Set Sigma to a smaller value to minimize outliers by moving the range minimum and maximum closer to the average. Clear the Calculate range from indices checkbox to turn off the extended_stats aggregation request. The gear icon is not available for numeric property values from the metric aggregations count, sum, and unique count.

When extended_stats is not used, symbols might be inconsistent as users pan, zoom, and filter the map. Without extended_stats, the range is calculated with data from the local layer. The range is re-calculated when layer data changes.

extended stats config

When the property value is undefined for a feature:

  • Fill color and Border color are set to transparent and are not visible.
  • Border width and Symbol size are set to the minimum size.
  • Symbol orientation is set to 0.

When the symbol range minimum and maximum are the same and there is no range:

  • Fill color and Border color are set to last color in the color ramp.
  • Border width and Symbol size are set to the maximum size.

Qualitative data driven styling


Qualitative data driven styling symbolizes properties, such as strings and IP addresses, by category.

Qualitative data driven styling is available for the following styling properties:

  • Icon
  • Fill color
  • Border color
  • Label color
  • Label border color

To ensure symbols are consistent as you pan, zoom, and filter the map, qualitative data driven styling uses a terms aggregation. The term aggregation retrieves the top nine categories for the property. Feature values within the top categories are assigned a unique style. Feature values outside of the top categories are grouped into the Other category. A feature is assigned the Other category when the property value is undefined.

To configure the terms aggregation, click the gear icon gear icon. Clear the Get categories from indice checkbox to turn off the terms aggregation request.

When the terms aggregation is not used, symbols might be inconsistent as users pan, zoom, and filter the map. Without terms aggregation, the top categories are calculated with data from the local layer. The top categories are re-calculated when layer data changes.

This image shows an example of quantitative data driven styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set. The machine.os.keyword property determines the color of each symbol based on category.

quantitative data driven styling

Class styling


Class styling symbolizes features by class and requires multiple layers. Use layer filtering to define the class for each layer, and static styling to symbolize each class.

This image shows an example of class styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set.

  • The Mac OS requests layer applies the filter machine.os : osx so the layer only contains Mac OS requests. The fill color is a static value of green.
  • The Window OS requests layer applies the filter machine.os : win* so the layer only contains Window OS requests. The fill color is a static value of red.
vector style class