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Update v8.16.9


This section lists all updates associated with version 8.16.9 of the Fleet integration Prebuilt Security Detection Rules.

Rule Description Status Version

AWS SNS Topic Created by Rare User

Identifies when an SNS topic is created by a user who does not typically perform this action. Adversaries may create SNS topics to stage capabilities for data exfiltration or other malicious activities.



Azure Entra ID Password Spraying (Non-Interactive SFA)

Identifies potential brute-force (password spraying) attempts against Azure Entra ID user accounts by detecting a high number of failed non-interactive single-factor authentication (SFA) login attempts within a 10-minute window. Attackers may attempt to brute force user accounts to gain unauthorized access to Azure Entra ID services. Non-interactive SFA login attempts bypass conditional-access policies (CAP) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirements, making them a high-risk vector for unauthorized access. Adversaries may attempt this to identify which accounts are still valid from acquired credentials via phishing, infostealers, or other means.



Azure Entra ID Rare App ID for Principal Authentication

Identifies rare Azure Entra ID apps IDs requesting authentication on-behalf-of a principal user. An adversary with stolen credentials may specify an Azure-managed app ID to authenticate on-behalf-of a user. This is a rare event and may indicate an attempt to bypass conditional access policies (CAP) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirements. The app ID specified may not be commonly used by the user based on their historical sign-in activity.



Azure Entra ID Rare Authentication Requirement for Principal User

Identifies rare instances of authentication requirements for Azure Entra ID principal users. An adversary with stolen credentials may attempt to authenticate with unusual authentication requirements, which is a rare event and may indicate an attempt to bypass conditional access policies (CAP) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirements. The authentication requirements specified may not be commonly used by the user based on their historical sign-in activity.



Potential Denial of Azure OpenAI ML Service

Detects patterns indicative of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks on machine learning (ML) models, focusing on unusually high volume and frequency of requests or patterns of requests that are known to cause performance degradation or service disruption, such as large input sizes or rapid API calls.



Azure OpenAI Insecure Output Handling

Detects when Azure OpenAI requests result in zero response length, potentially indicating issues in output handling that might lead to security exploits such as data leaks or code execution. This can occur in cases where the API fails to handle outputs correctly under certain input conditions.



Potential Azure OpenAI Model Theft

Monitors for suspicious activities that may indicate theft or unauthorized duplication of machine learning (ML) models, such as unauthorized API calls, atypical access patterns, or large data transfers that are unusual during model interactions.



M365 OneDrive Excessive File Downloads with OAuth Token

Identifies when an excessive number of files are downloaded from OneDrive using OAuth authentication. Adversaries may conduct phishing campaigns to steal OAuth tokens and impersonate users. These access tokens can then be used to download files from OneDrive.



High Number of Egress Network Connections from Unusual Executable

This rule detects a high number of egress network connections from an unusual executable on a Linux system. This could indicate a command and control (C2) communication attempt, a brute force attack via a malware infection, or other malicious activity. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



SSH Authorized Keys File Deletion

This rule detects the deletion of the authorized_keys or authorized_keys2 files on Linux systems. These files are used to store public keys for SSH authentication. Unauthorized deletion of these files can be an indicator of an attacker removing access to the system, and may be a precursor to further malicious activity.



Unusual Base64 Encoding/Decoding Activity

This rule leverages ES

QL to detect unusual base64 encoding/decoding activity on Linux systems. Attackers may use base64 encoding/decoding to obfuscate data, such as command and control traffic or payloads, to evade detection by host- or network-based security controls. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Base64 Decoded Payload Piped to Interpreter

This rule detects when a base64 decoded payload is piped to an interpreter on Linux systems. Adversaries may use base64 encoding to obfuscate data and pipe it to an interpreter to execute malicious code. This technique may be used to evade detection by host- or network-based security controls.



Kill Command Execution

This rule detects the execution of kill, pkill, and killall commands on Linux systems. These commands are used to terminate processes on a system. Attackers may use these commands to kill security tools or other processes to evade detection or disrupt system operations.



File Creation in /var/log via Suspicious Process

This rule detects the creation of files in the /var/log/ directory via process executables located in world-writeable locations or via hidden processes. Attackers may attempt to hide their activities by creating files in the /var/log/ directory, which is commonly used for logging system events.



Docker Socket Enumeration

This rule detects potential Docker socket enumeration activity by monitoring processes that attempt to interact with the Docker socket file (/var/run/docker.sock). Docker socket enumeration is a common technique used by attackers to interact with the Docker daemon and perform various operations, such as creating, starting, stopping, and removing containers. Attackers may abuse Docker socket enumeration to gain unauthorized access to the host system, escalate privileges, or move laterally within the environment.



Potential Port Scanning Activity from Compromised Host

This rule detects potential port scanning activity from a compromised host. Port scanning is a common reconnaissance technique used by attackers to identify open ports and services on a target system. A compromised host may exhibit port scanning behavior when an attacker is attempting to map out the network topology, identify vulnerable services, or prepare for further exploitation. This rule identifies potential port scanning activity by monitoring network connection attempts from a single host to a large number of ports within a short time frame. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Potential Subnet Scanning Activity from Compromised Host

This rule detects potential subnet scanning activity from a compromised host. Subnet scanning is a common reconnaissance technique used by attackers to identify live hosts within a network range. A compromised host may exhibit subnet scanning behavior when an attacker is attempting to map out the network topology, identify vulnerable hosts, or prepare for further exploitation. This rule identifies potential subnet scanning activity by monitoring network connection attempts from a single host to a large number of hosts within a short time frame. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Unusual File Transfer Utility Launched

This rule leverages ES

QL to detect the execution of unusual file transfer utilities on Linux systems. Attackers may use these utilities to exfiltrate data from a compromised system. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Potential Malware-Driven SSH Brute Force Attempt

This detection identifies a Linux host that has potentially been infected with malware and is being used to conduct brute-force attacks against external systems over SSH (port 22 and common alternative SSH ports). The detection looks for a high volume of outbound connection attempts to non-private IP addresses from a single process. A compromised host may be part of a botnet or controlled by an attacker, attempting to gain unauthorized access to remote systems. This behavior is commonly observed in SSH brute-force campaigns where malware hijacks vulnerable machines to expand its attack surface. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Successful SSH Authentication from Unusual SSH Public Key

This rule leverages the new_terms rule type to detect successful SSH authentications via a public key that has not been seen in the last 10 days. Public key authentication is a secure method for authenticating users to a server. Monitoring unusual public key authentication events can help detect unauthorized access attempts or suspicious activity on the system.



Successful SSH Authentication from Unusual IP Address

This rule leverages the new_terms rule type to detect successful SSH authentications by an IP- address that has not been authenticated in the last 10 days. This behavior may indicate an attacker attempting to gain access to the system using a valid account.



Successful SSH Authentication from Unusual User

This rule leverages the new_terms rule type to detect successful SSH authentications by a user who has not been authenticated in the last 10 days. This behavior may indicate an attacker attempting to gain access to the system using a valid account.



Remote File Creation in World Writeable Directory

This rule detects the creation of a file in a world-writeable directory through a service that is commonly used for file transfer. This behavior is often associated with lateral movement and can be an indicator of an attacker attempting to move laterally within a network.



Unusual Remote File Creation

This rule leverages the new_terms rule type to detect file creation via a commonly used file transfer service while excluding typical remote file creation activity. This behavior is often linked to lateral movement, potentially indicating an attacker attempting to move within a network.



Python Path File (pth) Creation

This rule detects the creation of .pth files in system-wide and user-specific Python package directories, which can be abused for persistent code execution. .pth files automatically execute Python code when the interpreter starts, making them a stealthy persistence mechanism. Monitoring these paths helps identify unauthorized modifications that could indicate persistence by an attacker or malicious package injection.



Python Site or User Customize File Creation

This rule detects the creation and modification of and, which Python automatically executes on startup. Attackers can exploit these files for persistence by injecting malicious code. The rule monitors system-wide, user-specific, and virtual environment locations to catch unauthorized changes that could indicate persistence or backdooring attempts.



Linux User Account Credential Modification

This rule detects Linux user account credential modification events where the echo command is used to directly echo a password into the passwd utility. This technique is used by malware to automate the process of user account credential modification on Linux systems post-infection.



Unusual Process Spawned from Web Server Parent

This rule detects unusual processes spawned from a web server parent process by identifying low frequency counts of process spawning activity. Unusual process spawning activity may indicate an attacker attempting to establish persistence, execute malicious commands, or establish command and control channels on the host system. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Unusual Command Execution from Web Server Parent

This rule detects potential command execution from a web server parent process on a Linux host. Adversaries may attempt to execute commands from a web server parent process to blend in with normal web server activity and evade detection. This behavior is commonly observed in web shell attacks where adversaries exploit web server vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary commands on the host. The detection rule identifies unusual command execution from web server parent processes, which may indicate a compromised host or an ongoing attack. ES

QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.



Uncommon Destination Port Connection by Web Server

This rule identifies unusual destination port network activity originating from a web server process. The rule is designed to detect potential web shell activity or unauthorized communication from a web server process to external systems.



Spike in host-based traffic

A machine learning job has detected a sudden spike in host based traffic. This can be due to a range of security issues, such as a compromised system, DDoS attacks, malware infections, privilege escalation, or data exfiltration.



Decline in host-based traffic

A machine learning job has detected a sudden drop in host based traffic. This can be due to a range of security issues, such as a compromised system, a failed service, or a network misconfiguration.



WDAC Policy File by an Unusual Process

Identifies the creation of a Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) policy file by an unusual process. Adversaries may use a secially crafted WDAC policy to restrict the execution of security products.



Suspicious File Downloaded from Google Drive

Identifies suspicious file download activity from a Google Drive URL. This could indicate an attempt to deliver phishing payloads via a trusted webservice.



Potential Cookies Theft via Browser Debugging

Identifies the execution of a Chromium based browser with the debugging process argument, which may indicate an attempt to steal authentication cookies. An adversary may steal web application or service session cookies and use them to gain access web applications or Internet services as an authenticated user without needing credentials.



Active Directory Forced Authentication from Linux Host - SMB Named Pipes

Identifies a potential forced authentication using related SMB named pipes. Attackers may attempt to force targets to authenticate to a host controlled by them to capture hashes or enable relay attacks.



AWS SNS Email Subscription by Rare User

Identifies when an SNS topic is subscribed to by an email address of a user who does not typically perform this action. Adversaries may subscribe to an SNS topic to collect sensitive information or exfiltrate data via an external email address.



First Occurrence of Entra ID Auth via DeviceCode Protocol

Identifies when a user is observed for the first time in the last 14 days authenticating using the device code authentication workflow. This authentication workflow can be abused by attackers to phish users and steal access tokens to impersonate the victim. By its very nature, device code should only be used when logging in to devices without keyboards, where it is difficult to enter emails and passwords.



Deprecated - Container Workload Protection

Generates a detection alert each time a Container Workload Protection alert is received. Enabling this rule allows you to immediately begin triaging and investigating these alerts.



Deprecated - AWS Credentials Searched For Inside A Container

This rule detects the use of system search utilities like grep and find to search for AWS credentials inside a container. Unauthorized access to these sensitive files could lead to further compromise of the container environment or facilitate a container breakout to the underlying cloud environment.



Deprecated - Sensitive Files Compression Inside A Container

Identifies the use of a compression utility to collect known files containing sensitive information, such as credentials and system configurations inside a container.



Deprecated - Sensitive Keys Or Passwords Searched For Inside A Container

This rule detects the use of system search utilities like grep and find to search for private SSH keys or passwords inside a container. Unauthorized access to these sensitive files could lead to further compromise of the container environment or facilitate a container breakout to the underlying host machine.



Deprecated - Modification of Dynamic Linker Preload Shared Object Inside A Container

This rule detects the creation or modification of the dynamic linker preload shared object ( inside a container. The Linux dynamic linker is used to load libraries needed by a program at runtime. Adversaries may hijack the dynamic linker by modifying the /etc/ file to point to malicious libraries. This behavior can be used to grant unauthorized access to system resources and has been used to evade detection of malicious processes in container environments.



Deprecated - Suspicious Network Tool Launched Inside A Container

This rule detects commonly abused network utilities running inside a container. Network utilities like nc, nmap, dig, tcpdump, ngrep, telnet, mitmproxy, zmap can be used for malicious purposes such as network reconnaissance, monitoring, or exploitation, and should be monitored closely within a container.



Deprecated - Container Management Utility Run Inside A Container

This rule detects when a container management binary is run from inside a container. These binaries are critical components of many containerized environments, and their presence and execution in unauthorized containers could indicate compromise or a misconfiguration.



Deprecated - File Made Executable via Chmod Inside A Container

This rule detects when chmod is used to add the execute permission to a file inside a container. Modifying file permissions to make a file executable could indicate malicious activity, as an attacker may attempt to run unauthorized or malicious code inside the container.



Deprecated - Interactive Exec Command Launched Against A Running Container

This rule detects interactive exec events launched against a container using the exec command. Using the exec command in a pod allows a user to establish a temporary shell session and execute any process/command inside the container. This rule specifically targets higher-risk interactive commands that allow real-time interaction with a container’s shell. A malicious actor could use this level of access to further compromise the container environment or attempt a container breakout.



Deprecated - Suspicious Interactive Shell Spawned From Inside A Container

This rule detects when an interactive shell is spawned inside a running container. This could indicate a potential container breakout attempt or an attacker’s attempt to gain unauthorized access to the underlying host.



Deprecated - Netcat Listener Established Inside A Container

This rule detects an established netcat listener running inside a container. Netcat is a utility used for reading and writing data across network connections, and it can be used for malicious purposes such as establishing a backdoor for persistence or exfiltrating data.



Deprecated - SSH Connection Established Inside A Running Container

This rule detects an incoming SSH connection established inside a running container. Running an ssh daemon inside a container should be avoided and monitored closely if necessary. If an attacker gains valid credentials they can use it to gain initial access or establish persistence within a compromised environment.



Deprecated - SSH Process Launched From Inside A Container

This rule detects an SSH or SSHD process executed from inside a container. This includes both the client ssh binary and server ssh daemon process. SSH usage inside a container should be avoided and monitored closely when necessary. With valid credentials an attacker may move laterally to other containers or to the underlying host through container breakout. They may also use valid SSH credentials as a persistence mechanism.



Deprecated - SSH Authorized Keys File Modified Inside a Container

This rule detects the creation or modification of an authorized_keys or sshd_config file inside a container. The Secure Shell (SSH) authorized_keys file specifies which users are allowed to log into a server using public key authentication. Adversaries may modify it to maintain persistence on a victim host by adding their own public key(s). Unexpected and unauthorized SSH usage inside a container can be an indicator of compromise and should be investigated.



Deprecated - File System Debugger Launched Inside a Privileged Container

This rule detects the use of the built-in Linux DebugFS utility from inside a privileged container. DebugFS is a special file system debugging utility which supports reading and writing directly from a hard drive device. When launched inside a privileged container, a container deployed with all the capabilities of the host machine, an attacker can access sensitive host level files which could be used for further privilege escalation and container escapes to the host machine.



Deprecated - Mount Launched Inside a Privileged Container

This rule detects the use of the mount utility from inside a privileged container. The mount command is used to make a device or file system accessible to the system, and then to connect its root directory to a specified mount point on the local file system. When launched inside a privileged container—​a container deployed with all the capabilities of the host machine-- an attacker can access sensitive host level files which could be used for further privilege escalation and container escapes to the host machine. Any usage of mount inside a running privileged container should be further investigated.



Deprecated - Potential Container Escape via Modified notify_on_release File

This rule detects modification of the cgroup notify_on_release file from inside a container. When the notify_on_release flag is enabled (1) in a cgroup, then whenever the last task in the cgroup exits or attaches to another cgroup, the command specified in the release_agent file is run and invoked from the host. A privileged container with SYS_ADMIN capabilities, enables a threat actor to mount a cgroup directory and modify the notify_on_release flag in order to take advantage of this feature, which could be used for further privilege escalation and container escapes to the host machine.



Deprecated - Potential Container Escape via Modified release_agent File

This rule detects modification of the CGroup release_agent file from inside a privileged container. The release_agent is a script that is executed at the termination of any process on that CGroup and is invoked from the host. A privileged container with SYS_ADMIN capabilities, enables a threat actor to mount a CGroup directory and modify the release_agent which could be used for further privilege escalation and container escapes to the host machine.



First Time Seen Google Workspace OAuth Login from Third-Party Application

Detects the first time a third-party application logs in and authenticated with OAuth. OAuth is used to grant permissions to specific resources and services in Google Workspace. Compromised credentials or service accounts could allow an adversary to authenticate to Google Workspace as a valid user and inherit their privileges.



Google Workspace Object Copied to External Drive with App Consent

Detects when a user copies a Google spreadsheet, form, document or script from an external drive. Sequence logic has been added to also detect when a user grants a custom Google application permission via OAuth shortly after. An adversary may send a phishing email to the victim with a Drive object link where "copy" is included in the URI, thus copying the object to the victim’s drive. If a container-bound script exists within the object, execution will require permission access via OAuth in which the user has to accept.



First Occurrence of Okta User Session Started via Proxy

Identifies the first occurrence of an Okta user session started via a proxy.



Stolen Credentials Used to Login to Okta Account After MFA Reset

Detects a sequence of suspicious activities on Windows hosts indicative of credential compromise, followed by efforts to undermine multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms for an Okta user account.



Unix Socket Connection

This rule monitors for inter-process communication via Unix sockets. Adversaries may attempt to communicate with local Unix sockets to enumerate application details, find vulnerabilities/configuration mistakes and potentially escalate privileges or set up malicious communication channels via Unix sockets for inter-process communication to attempt to evade detection.



Potential Network Sweep Detected

This rule identifies a potential network sweep. A network sweep is a method used by attackers to scan a target network, identifying active hosts, open ports, and available services to gather information on vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This reconnaissance helps them plan subsequent attacks and exploit potential entry points for unauthorized access, data theft, or other malicious activities. This rule defines a threshold-based approach to detect multiple connection attempts from a single host to numerous destination hosts over commonly used network services.



Potential Network Scan Detected

This rule identifies a potential port scan. A port scan is a method utilized by attackers to systematically scan a target system or network for open ports, allowing them to identify available services and potential vulnerabilities. By mapping out the open ports, attackers can gather critical information to plan and execute targeted attacks, gaining unauthorized access, compromising security, and potentially leading to data breaches, unauthorized control, or further exploitation of the targeted system or network. This rule defines a threshold-based approach to detect connection attempts from a single source to a wide range of destination ports.



Potential SYN-Based Port Scan Detected

This rule identifies a potential SYN-Based port scan. A SYN port scan is a technique employed by attackers to scan a target network for open ports by sending SYN packets to multiple ports and observing the response. Attackers use this method to identify potential entry points or services that may be vulnerable to exploitation, allowing them to launch targeted attacks or gain unauthorized access to the system or network, compromising its security and potentially leading to data breaches or further malicious activities. This rule defines a threshold-based approach to detect connection attempts from a single source to a large number of unique destination ports, while limiting the number of packets per port.



Exporting Exchange Mailbox via PowerShell

Identifies the use of the Exchange PowerShell cmdlet, New-MailBoxExportRequest, to export the contents of a primary mailbox or archive to a .pst file. Adversaries may target user email to collect sensitive information.



Potential File Transfer via Certreq

Identifies Certreq making an HTTP Post request. Adversaries could abuse Certreq to download files or upload data to a remote URL.



Potential DNS Tunneling via NsLookup

This rule identifies a large number (15) of nslookup.exe executions with an explicit query type from the same host. This may indicate command and control activity utilizing the DNS protocol.



Potential File Download via a Headless Browser

Identifies the use of a browser to download a file from a remote URL and from a suspicious parent process. Adversaries may use browsers to avoid ingress tool transfer restrictions.



First Time Seen Commonly Abused Remote Access Tool Execution

Adversaries may install legitimate remote access tools (RAT) to compromised endpoints for further command-and-control (C2). Adversaries can rely on installed RATs for persistence, execution of native commands and more. This rule detects when a process is started whose name or code signature resembles commonly abused RATs. This is a New Terms rule type indicating the host has not seen this RAT process started before within the last 30 days.



Potential Remote Desktop Tunneling Detected

Identifies potential use of an SSH utility to establish RDP over a reverse SSH Tunnel. This can be used by attackers to enable routing of network packets that would otherwise not reach their intended destination.



Remote File Download via Desktopimgdownldr Utility

Identifies the desktopimgdownldr utility being used to download a remote file. An adversary may use desktopimgdownldr to download arbitrary files as an alternative to certutil.



Remote File Download via MpCmdRun

Identifies the Windows Defender configuration utility (MpCmdRun.exe) being used to download a remote file.



Suspicious ScreenConnect Client Child Process

Identifies suspicious processes being spawned by the ScreenConnect client processes. This activity may indicate execution abusing unauthorized access to the ScreenConnect remote access software.



Potential File Transfer via Curl for Windows

Identifies Curl for Windows making an HTTP request. Adversaries could abuse Curl to download files or upload data to a remote URL.



Attempt to Establish VScode Remote Tunnel

Detects the execution of the VScode portable binary with the tunnel command line option indicating an attempt to establish a remote tunnel session to Github or a remote VScode instance.



Potential ADIDNS Poisoning via Wildcard Record Creation

Active Directory Integrated DNS (ADIDNS) is one of the core components of AD DS, leveraging AD’s access control and replication to maintain domain consistency. It stores DNS zones as AD objects, a feature that, while robust, introduces some security issues, such as wildcard records, mainly because of the default permission (Any authenticated users) to create DNS-named records. Attackers can create wildcard records to redirect traffic that doesn’t explicitly match records contained in the zone, becoming the Man-in-the-Middle and being able to abuse DNS similarly to LLMNR/NBNS spoofing.



Potential WPAD Spoofing via DNS Record Creation

Identifies the creation of a DNS record that is potentially meant to enable WPAD spoofing. Attackers can disable the Global Query Block List (GQBL) and create a "wpad" record to exploit hosts running WPAD with default settings for privilege escalation and lateral movement.



Privileged Account Brute Force

Identifies multiple consecutive logon failures targeting an Admin account from the same source address and within a short time interval. Adversaries will often brute force login attempts across multiple users with a common or known password, in an attempt to gain access to accounts.



Multiple Logon Failure Followed by Logon Success

Identifies multiple logon failures followed by a successful one from the same source address. Adversaries will often brute force login attempts across multiple users with a common or known password, in an attempt to gain access to accounts.



Multiple Logon Failure from the same Source Address

Identifies multiple consecutive logon failures from the same source address and within a short time interval. Adversaries will often brute force login attempts across multiple users with a common or known password, in an attempt to gain access to accounts.



Potential Credential Access via Windows Utilities

Identifies the execution of known Windows utilities often abused to dump LSASS memory or the Active Directory database (NTDS.dit) in preparation for credential access.



NTDS or SAM Database File Copied

Identifies a copy operation of the Active Directory Domain Database (ntds.dit) or Security Account Manager (SAM) files. Those files contain sensitive information including hashed domain and/or local credentials.



FirstTime Seen Account Performing DCSync

This rule identifies when a User Account starts the Active Directory Replication Process for the first time. Attackers can use the DCSync technique to get credential information of individual accounts or the entire domain, thus compromising the entire domain.



Potential Credential Access via DCSync

This rule identifies when a User Account starts the Active Directory Replication Process. Attackers can use the DCSync technique to get credential information of individual accounts or the entire domain, thus compromising the entire domain.



Potential Active Directory Replication Account Backdoor

Identifies the modification of the nTSecurityDescriptor attribute in a domain object with rights related to DCSync to a user/computer account. Attackers can use this backdoor to re-obtain access to hashes of any user/computer.



Kerberos Pre-authentication Disabled for User

Identifies the modification of an account’s Kerberos pre-authentication options. An adversary with GenericWrite/GenericAll rights over the account can maliciously modify these settings to perform offline password cracking attacks such as AS-REP roasting.



Creation of a DNS-Named Record

Active Directory Integrated DNS (ADIDNS) is one of the core components of AD DS, leveraging AD’s access control and replication to maintain domain consistency. It stores DNS zones as AD objects, a feature that, while robust, introduces some security issues because of the default permission (Any authenticated users) to create DNS-named records. Attackers can perform Dynamic Spoofing attacks, where they monitor LLMNR/NBT-NS requests and create DNS-named records to target systems that are requested from multiple systems. They can also create specific records to target specific services, such as wpad, for spoofing attacks.



Potential Relay Attack against a Domain Controller

Identifies potential relay attacks against a domain controller (DC) by identifying authentication events using the domain controller computer account coming from other hosts to the DC that owns the account. Attackers may relay the DC hash after capturing it using forced authentication.



Credential Acquisition via Registry Hive Dumping

Identifies attempts to export a registry hive which may contain credentials using the Windows reg.exe tool.



Microsoft IIS Connection Strings Decryption

Identifies use of aspnet_regiis to decrypt Microsoft IIS connection strings. An attacker with Microsoft IIS web server access via a webshell or alike can decrypt and dump any hardcoded connection strings, such as the MSSQL service account password using aspnet_regiis command.



Access to a Sensitive LDAP Attribute

Identify access to sensitive Active Directory object attributes that contains credentials and decryption keys such as unixUserPassword, ms-PKI-AccountCredentials and msPKI-CredentialRoamingTokens.



LSASS Memory Dump Handle Access

Identifies handle requests for the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) object access with specific access masks that many tools with a capability to dump memory to disk use (0x1fffff, 0x1010, 0x120089). This rule is tool agnostic as it has been validated against a host of various LSASS dump tools such as SharpDump, Procdump, Mimikatz, Comsvcs etc. It detects this behavior at a low level and does not depend on a specific tool or dump file name.



Potential Local NTLM Relay via HTTP

Identifies attempt to coerce a local NTLM authentication via HTTP using the Windows Printer Spooler service as a target. An adversary may use this primitive in combination with other techniques to elevate privileges on a compromised system.



Multiple Vault Web Credentials Read

Windows Credential Manager allows you to create, view, or delete saved credentials for signing into websites, connected applications, and networks. An adversary may abuse this to list or dump credentials stored in the Credential Manager for saved usernames and passwords. This may also be performed in preparation of lateral movement.



Searching for Saved Credentials via VaultCmd

Windows Credential Manager allows you to create, view, or delete saved credentials for signing into websites, connected applications, and networks. An adversary may abuse this to list or dump credentials stored in the Credential Manager for saved usernames and passwords. This may also be performed in preparation of lateral movement.



Sensitive Privilege SeEnableDelegationPrivilege assigned to a User

Identifies the assignment of the SeEnableDelegationPrivilege sensitive "user right" to a user. The SeEnableDelegationPrivilege "user right" enables computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation. Attackers can abuse this right to compromise Active Directory accounts and elevate their privileges.



Potential Shadow Credentials added to AD Object

Identify the modification of the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute in an Active Directory Computer or User Object. Attackers can abuse control over the object and create a key pair, append to raw public key in the attribute, and obtain persistent and stealthy access to the target user or computer object.



User account exposed to Kerberoasting

Detects when a user account has the servicePrincipalName attribute modified. Attackers can abuse write privileges over a user to configure Service Principle Names (SPNs) so that they can perform Kerberoasting. Administrators can also configure this for legitimate purposes, exposing the account to Kerberoasting.



Suspicious Remote Registry Access via SeBackupPrivilege

Identifies remote access to the registry using an account with Backup Operators group membership. This may indicate an attempt to exfiltrate credentials by dumping the Security Account Manager (SAM) registry hive in preparation for credential access and privileges elevation.



Symbolic Link to Shadow Copy Created

Identifies the creation of symbolic links to a shadow copy. Symbolic links can be used to access files in the shadow copy, including sensitive files such as ntds.dit, System Boot Key and browser offline credentials.



Potential Veeam Credential Access Command

Identifies commands that can access and decrypt Veeam credentials stored in MSSQL databases. Attackers can use Veeam Credentials to target backups as part of destructive operations such as Ransomware attacks.



Potential LSASS Clone Creation via PssCaptureSnapShot

Identifies the creation of an LSASS process clone via PssCaptureSnapShot where the parent process is the initial LSASS process instance. This may indicate an attempt to evade detection and dump LSASS memory for credential access.



NTDS Dump via Wbadmin

Identifies the execution of wbadmin to access the NTDS.dit file in a domain controller. Attackers with privileges from groups like Backup Operators can abuse the utility to perform credential access and compromise the domain.



Wireless Credential Dumping using Netsh Command

Identifies attempts to dump Wireless saved access keys in clear text using the Windows built-in utility Netsh.



Adding Hidden File Attribute via Attrib

Adversaries can add the hidden attribute to files to hide them from the user in an attempt to evade detection.



Potential Antimalware Scan Interface Bypass via PowerShell

Identifies the execution of PowerShell script with keywords related to different Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) bypasses. An adversary may attempt first to disable AMSI before executing further malicious powershell scripts to evade detection.



Sensitive Audit Policy Sub-Category Disabled

Identifies attempts to disable auditing for some security sensitive audit policy sub-categories. This is often done by attackers in an attempt to evade detection and forensics on a system.



Clearing Windows Console History

Identifies when a user attempts to clear console history. An adversary may clear the command history of a compromised account to conceal the actions undertaken during an intrusion.



Clearing Windows Event Logs

Identifies attempts to clear or disable Windows event log stores using Windows wevetutil command. This is often done by attackers in an attempt to evade detection or destroy forensic evidence on a system.



Windows Event Logs Cleared

Identifies attempts to clear Windows event log stores. This is often done by attackers in an attempt to evade detection or destroy forensic evidence on a system.



Code Signing Policy Modification Through Built-in tools

Identifies attempts to disable/modify the code signing policy through system native utilities. Code signing provides authenticity on a program, and grants the user with the ability to check whether the program has been tampered with. By allowing the execution of unsigned or self-signed code, threat actors can craft and execute malicious code.



Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601 - CurveBall)

A spoofing vulnerability exists in the way Windows CryptoAPI (Crypt32.dll) validates Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificates. An attacker could exploit the vulnerability by using a spoofed code-signing certificate to sign a malicious executable, making it appear the file was from a trusted, legitimate source.



Windows Defender Exclusions Added via PowerShell

Identifies modifications to the Windows Defender configuration settings using PowerShell to add exclusions at the folder directory or process level.



Delete Volume USN Journal with Fsutil

Identifies use of the fsutil.exe to delete the volume USNJRNL. This technique is used by attackers to eliminate evidence of files created during post-exploitation activities.



Disable Windows Firewall Rules via Netsh

Identifies use of the netsh.exe to disable or weaken the local firewall. Attackers will use this command line tool to disable the firewall during troubleshooting or to enable network mobility.



Disabling Windows Defender Security Settings via PowerShell

Identifies use of the Set-MpPreference PowerShell command to disable or weaken certain Windows Defender settings.



Disable Windows Event and Security Logs Using Built-in Tools

Identifies attempts to disable EventLog via the logman Windows utility, PowerShell, or auditpol. This is often done by attackers in an attempt to evade detection on a system.



Suspicious .NET Code Compilation

Identifies executions of .NET compilers with suspicious parent processes, which can indicate an attacker’s attempt to compile code after delivery in order to bypass security mechanisms.



Remote Desktop Enabled in Windows Firewall by Netsh

Identifies use of the network shell utility (netsh.exe) to enable inbound Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections in the Windows Firewall.



Enable Host Network Discovery via Netsh

Identifies use of the netsh.exe program to enable host discovery via the network. Attackers can use this command-line tool to weaken the host firewall settings.



Control Panel Process with Unusual Arguments

Identifies unusual instances of Control Panel with suspicious keywords or paths in the process command line value. Adversaries may abuse control.exe to proxy execution of malicious code.



ImageLoad via Windows Update Auto Update Client

Identifies abuse of the Windows Update Auto Update Client (wuauclt.exe) to load an arbitrary DLL. This behavior is used as a defense evasion technique to blend-in malicious activity with legitimate Windows software.



Microsoft Build Engine Started by an Office Application

An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, was started by Excel or Word. This is unusual behavior for the Build Engine and could have been caused by an Excel or Word document executing a malicious script payload.



Microsoft Build Engine Started by a Script Process

An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, was started by a script or the Windows command interpreter. This behavior is unusual and is sometimes used by malicious payloads.



Microsoft Build Engine Started by a System Process

An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, was started by Explorer or the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) subsystem. This behavior is unusual and is sometimes used by malicious payloads.



Microsoft Build Engine Started an Unusual Process

An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, started a PowerShell script or the Visual C# Command Line Compiler. This technique is sometimes used to deploy a malicious payload using the Build Engine.



Process Execution from an Unusual Directory

Identifies process execution from suspicious default Windows directories. This is sometimes done by adversaries to hide malware in trusted paths.



IIS HTTP Logging Disabled

Identifies when Internet Information Services (IIS) HTTP Logging is disabled on a server. An attacker with IIS server access via a webshell or other mechanism can disable HTTP Logging as an effective anti-forensics measure.



Command Execution via ForFiles

Detects attempts to execute a command via the forfiles Windows utility. Adversaries may use this utility to proxy execution via a trusted parent process.



Process Injection by the Microsoft Build Engine

An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, created a thread in another process. This technique is sometimes used to evade detection or elevate privileges.



Execution via Windows Command Debugging Utility

An adversary can use the Windows command line debugging utility cdb.exe to execute commands or shellcode. This rule looks for those instances and where the cdb.exe binary is outside of the normal WindowsKit installation paths.



Suspicious Endpoint Security Parent Process

A suspicious Endpoint Security parent process was detected. This may indicate a process hollowing or other form of code injection.



Program Files Directory Masquerading

Identifies execution from a directory masquerading as the Windows Program Files directories. These paths are trusted and usually host trusted third party programs. An adversary may leverage masquerading, along with low privileges to bypass detections allowlisting those folders.



MsBuild Making Network Connections

Identifies MsBuild.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity as MsBuild is often leveraged by adversaries to execute code and evade detection.



Windows Firewall Disabled via PowerShell

Identifies when the Windows Firewall is disabled using PowerShell cmdlets, which can help attackers evade network constraints, like internet and network lateral communication restrictions.



Script Execution via Microsoft HTML Application

Identifies the execution of scripts via HTML applications using Windows utilities rundll32.exe or mshta.exe. Adversaries may bypass process and/or signature-based defenses by proxying execution of malicious content with signed binaries.



Suspicious CertUtil Commands

Identifies suspicious commands being used with certutil.exe. CertUtil is a native Windows component which is part of Certificate Services. CertUtil is often abused by attackers to live off the land for stealthier command and control or data exfiltration.



Suspicious Zoom Child Process

A suspicious Zoom child process was detected, which may indicate an attempt to run unnoticed. Verify process details such as command line, network connections, file writes and associated file signature details as well.



File Creation Time Changed

Identifies modification of a file creation time. Adversaries may modify file time attributes to blend malicious content with existing files. Timestomping is a technique that modifies the timestamps of a file often to mimic files that are in trusted directories.



Unusual Child Process from a System Virtual Process

Identifies a suspicious child process of the Windows virtual system process, which could indicate code injection.



Potential Evasion via Filter Manager

The Filter Manager Control Program (fltMC.exe) binary may be abused by adversaries to unload a filter driver and evade defenses.



Potential Evasion via Windows Filtering Platform

Identifies multiple Windows Filtering Platform block events and where the process name is related to an endpoint security software. Adversaries may add malicious WFP rules to prevent Endpoint security from sending telemetry.



Signed Proxy Execution via MS Work Folders

Identifies the use of Windows Work Folders to execute a potentially masqueraded control.exe file in the current working directory. Misuse of Windows Work Folders could indicate malicious activity.



Execution via Windows Subsystem for Linux

Detects attempts to execute a program on the host from the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Adversaries may enable and use WSL for Linux to avoid detection.



Windows Subsystem for Linux Enabled via Dism Utility

Detects attempts to enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux using Microsoft Dism utility. Adversaries may enable and use WSL for Linux to avoid detection.



Attempt to Install Kali Linux via WSL

Detects attempts to install or use Kali Linux via Windows Subsystem for Linux. Adversaries may enable and use WSL for Linux to avoid detection.



AdFind Command Activity

This rule detects the Active Directory query tool, AdFind.exe. AdFind has legitimate purposes, but it is frequently leveraged by threat actors to perform post-exploitation Active Directory reconnaissance. The AdFind tool has been observed in Trickbot, Ryuk, Maze, and FIN6 campaigns. For Winlogbeat, this rule requires Sysmon.



Enumeration of Administrator Accounts

Identifies instances of lower privilege accounts enumerating Administrator accounts or groups using built-in Windows tools.



Enumerating Domain Trusts via DSQUERY.EXE

Identifies the use of dsquery.exe for domain trust discovery purposes. Adversaries may use this command-line utility to enumerate trust relationships that may be used for Lateral Movement opportunities in Windows multi-domain forest environments.



Enumerating Domain Trusts via NLTEST.EXE

Identifies the use of nltest.exe for domain trust discovery purposes. Adversaries may use this command-line utility to enumerate domain trusts and gain insight into trust relationships, as well as the state of Domain Controller (DC) replication in a Microsoft Windows NT Domain.



Group Policy Discovery via Microsoft GPResult Utility

Detects the usage of gpresult.exe to query group policy objects. Attackers may query group policy objects during the reconnaissance phase after compromising a system to gain a better understanding of the active directory environment and possible methods to escalate privileges or move laterally.



Suspicious Access to LDAP Attributes

Identify read access to a high number of Active Directory object attributes. The knowledge of objects properties can help adversaries find vulnerabilities, elevate privileges or collect sensitive information.



Peripheral Device Discovery

Identifies use of the Windows file system utility (fsutil.exe) to gather information about attached peripheral devices and components connected to a computer system.



Enumeration of Privileged Local Groups Membership

Identifies instances of an unusual process enumerating built-in Windows privileged local groups membership like Administrators or Remote Desktop users.



Whoami Process Activity

Identifies suspicious use of whoami.exe which displays user, group, and privileges information for the user who is currently logged on to the local system.



Command Execution via SolarWinds Process

A suspicious SolarWinds child process (Cmd.exe or Powershell.exe) was detected.



Execution of COM object via Xwizard

Windows Component Object Model (COM) is an inter-process communication (IPC) component of the native Windows application programming interface (API) that enables interaction between software objects or executable code. Xwizard can be used to run a COM object created in registry to evade defensive counter measures.



Svchost spawning Cmd

Identifies a suspicious parent child process relationship with cmd.exe descending from svchost.exe



Enumeration Command Spawned via WMIPrvSE

Identifies native Windows host and network enumeration commands spawned by the Windows Management Instrumentation Provider Service (WMIPrvSE).



Execution from Unusual Directory - Command Line

Identifies process execution from suspicious default Windows directories. This may be abused by adversaries to hide malware in trusted paths.



Potential Foxmail Exploitation

Identifies the Foxmail client spawning a child process with argument pointing to the Foxmail temp directory. This may indicate the successful exploitation of a Foxmail vulnerability for initial access and execution via a malicious email.



Mofcomp Activity

Managed Object Format (MOF) files can be compiled locally or remotely through mofcomp.exe. Attackers may leverage MOF files to build their own namespaces and classes into the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) repository, or establish persistence using WMI Event Subscription.



Command and Scripting Interpreter via Windows Scripts

Identifies PowerShell.exe or Cmd.exe execution spawning from Windows Script Host processes Wscript.exe.



Suspicious Cmd Execution via WMI

Identifies suspicious command execution (cmd) via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on a remote host. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement.



Suspicious PDF Reader Child Process

Identifies suspicious child processes of PDF reader applications. These child processes are often launched via exploitation of PDF applications or social engineering.



Process Activity via Compiled HTML File

Compiled HTML files (.chm) are commonly distributed as part of the Microsoft HTML Help system. Adversaries may conceal malicious code in a CHM file and deliver it to a victim for execution. CHM content is loaded by the HTML Help executable program (hh.exe).



Microsoft Management Console File from Unusual Path

Identifies attempts to open a Microsoft Management Console File from untrusted paths. Adversaries may use MSC files for initial access and execution.



Suspicious Windows Command Shell Arguments

Identifies the execution of the Windows Command Shell process (cmd.exe) with suspicious argument values. This behavior is often observed during malware installation.



Suspicious Windows Powershell Arguments

Identifies the execution of PowerShell with suspicious argument values. This behavior is often observed during malware installation leveraging PowerShell.



Deleting Backup Catalogs with Wbadmin

Identifies use of the wbadmin.exe to delete the backup catalog. Ransomware and other malware may do this to prevent system recovery.



Modification of Boot Configuration

Identifies use of bcdedit.exe to delete boot configuration data. This tactic is sometimes used as by malware or an attacker as a destructive technique.



High Number of Process and/or Service Terminations

This rule identifies a high number (10) of process terminations (stop, delete, or suspend) from the same host within a short time period.



Volume Shadow Copy Deleted or Resized via VssAdmin

Identifies use of vssadmin.exe for shadow copy deletion or resizing on endpoints. This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.



Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via PowerShell

Identifies the use of the Win32_ShadowCopy class and related cmdlets to achieve shadow copy deletion. This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.



Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via WMIC

Identifies use of wmic.exe for shadow copy deletion on endpoints. This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.



Suspicious Execution from INET Cache

Identifies the execution of a process with arguments pointing to the INetCache Folder. Adversaries may deliver malicious content via WININET during initial access.



Suspicious JetBrains TeamCity Child Process

Identifies suspicious processes being spawned by the JetBrain TeamCity process. This activity could be related to JetBrains remote code execution vulnerabilities.



Remote Desktop File Opened from Suspicious Path

Identifies attempts to open a remote desktop file from suspicious paths. Adversaries may abuse RDP files for initial access.



Microsoft Exchange Server UM Spawning Suspicious Processes

Identifies suspicious processes being spawned by the Microsoft Exchange Server Unified Messaging (UM) service. This activity has been observed exploiting CVE-2021-26857.



Suspicious MS Office Child Process

Identifies suspicious child processes of frequently targeted Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). These child processes are often launched during exploitation of Office applications or from documents with malicious macros.



Suspicious MS Outlook Child Process

Identifies suspicious child processes of Microsoft Outlook. These child processes are often associated with spear phishing activity.



ScreenConnect Server Spawning Suspicious Processes

Identifies suspicious processes being spawned by the ScreenConnect server process (ScreenConnect.Service.exe). This activity may indicate exploitation activity or access to an existing web shell backdoor.



Potential Pass-the-Hash (PtH) Attempt

Adversaries may pass the hash using stolen password hashes to move laterally within an environment, bypassing normal system access controls. Pass the hash (PtH) is a method of authenticating as a user without having access to the user’s cleartext password.



Execution via TSClient Mountpoint

Identifies execution from the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) shared mountpoint tsclient on the target host. This may indicate a lateral movement attempt.



WMI Incoming Lateral Movement

Identifies processes executed via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on a remote host. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement, but could be noisy if administrators use WMI to remotely manage hosts.



Mounting Hidden or WebDav Remote Shares

Identifies the use of net.exe to mount a WebDav or hidden remote share. This may indicate lateral movement or preparation for data exfiltration.



Remote File Copy to a Hidden Share

Identifies a remote file copy attempt to a hidden network share. This may indicate lateral movement or data staging activity.



Remote Windows Service Installed

Identifies a network logon followed by Windows service creation with same LogonId. This could be indicative of lateral movement, but will be noisy if commonly done by administrators."



Remote Scheduled Task Creation via RPC

Identifies scheduled task creation from a remote source. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement.



Unusual Child Process of dns.exe

Identifies an unexpected process spawning from dns.exe, the process responsible for Windows DNS server services, which may indicate activity related to remote code execution or other forms of exploitation.



Potential WSUS Abuse for Lateral Movement

Identifies a potential Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) abuse to execute psexec to enable for lateral movement. WSUS is limited to executing Microsoft signed binaries, which limits the executables that can be used to tools published by Microsoft.



AdminSDHolder Backdoor

Detects modifications in the AdminSDHolder object. Attackers can abuse the SDProp process to implement a persistent backdoor in Active Directory. SDProp compares the permissions on protected objects with those defined on the AdminSDHolder object. If the permissions on any of the protected accounts and groups do not match, the permissions on the protected accounts and groups are reset to match those of the domain’s AdminSDHolder object, regaining their Administrative Privileges.



Account Configured with Never-Expiring Password

Detects the creation and modification of an account with the "Don’t Expire Password" option Enabled. Attackers can abuse this misconfiguration to persist in the domain and maintain long-term access using compromised accounts with this property.



Active Directory Group Modification by SYSTEM

Identifies a user being added to an active directory group by the SYSTEM (S-1-5-18) user. This behavior can indicate that the attacker has achieved SYSTEM privileges in a domain controller, which attackers can obtain by exploiting vulnerabilities or abusing default group privileges (e.g., Server Operators), and is attempting to pivot to a domain account.



KRBTGT Delegation Backdoor

Identifies the modification of the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute to KRBTGT. Attackers can use this technique to maintain persistence to the domain by having the ability to request tickets for the KRBTGT service.



New ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceID Added via PowerShell

Identifies the use of the Exchange PowerShell cmdlet, Set-CASMailbox, to add a new ActiveSync allowed device. Adversaries may target user email to collect sensitive information.



Account Password Reset Remotely

Identifies an attempt to reset a potentially privileged account password remotely. Adversaries may manipulate account passwords to maintain access or evade password duration policies and preserve compromised credentials.



A scheduled task was created

Indicates the creation of a scheduled task using Windows event logs. Adversaries can use these to establish persistence, move laterally, and/or escalate privileges.



A scheduled task was updated

Indicates the update of a scheduled task using Windows event logs. Adversaries can use these to establish persistence, by changing the configuration of a legit scheduled task. Some changes such as disabling or enabling a scheduled task are common and may may generate noise.



AdminSDHolder SDProp Exclusion Added

Identifies a modification on the dsHeuristics attribute on the bit that holds the configuration of groups excluded from the SDProp process. The SDProp compares the permissions on protected objects with those defined on the AdminSDHolder object. If the permissions on any of the protected accounts and groups do not match, the permissions on the protected accounts and groups are reset to match those of the domain’s AdminSDHolder object, meaning that groups excluded will remain unchanged. Attackers can abuse this misconfiguration to maintain long-term access to privileged accounts in these groups.



Suspicious Service was Installed in the System

Identifies the creation of a new Windows service with suspicious Service command values. Windows services typically run as SYSTEM and can be used for privilege escalation and persistence.



Suspicious Execution via Scheduled Task

Identifies execution of a suspicious program via scheduled tasks by looking at process lineage and command line usage.



System Shells via Services

Windows services typically run as SYSTEM and can be used as a privilege escalation opportunity. Malware or penetration testers may run a shell as a service to gain SYSTEM permissions.



Temporarily Scheduled Task Creation

Indicates the creation and deletion of a scheduled task within a short time interval. Adversaries can use these to proxy malicious execution via the schedule service and perform clean up.



User Added to Privileged Group

Identifies a user being added to a privileged group in Active Directory. Privileged accounts and groups in Active Directory are those to which powerful rights, privileges, and permissions are granted that allow them to perform nearly any action in Active Directory and on domain-joined systems.



User Account Creation

Identifies attempts to create new users. This is sometimes done by attackers to increase access or establish persistence on a system or domain.



Potential Application Shimming via Sdbinst

The Application Shim was created to allow for backward compatibility of software as the operating system codebase changes over time. This Windows functionality has been abused by attackers to stealthily gain persistence and arbitrary code execution in legitimate Windows processes.



Persistence via TelemetryController Scheduled Task Hijack

Detects the successful hijack of Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser scheduled task to establish persistence with an integrity level of system.



Persistence via Update Orchestrator Service Hijack

Identifies potential hijacking of the Microsoft Update Orchestrator Service to establish persistence with an integrity level of SYSTEM.



Persistence via WMI Event Subscription

An adversary can use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to install event filters, providers, consumers, and bindings that execute code when a defined event occurs. Adversaries may use the capabilities of WMI to subscribe to an event and execute arbitrary code when that event occurs, providing persistence on a system.



Execution via MSSQL xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure

Identifies execution via MSSQL xp_cmdshell stored procedure. Malicious users may attempt to elevate their privileges by using xp_cmdshell, which is disabled by default, thus, it’s important to review the context of it’s use.



Web Shell Detection: Script Process Child of Common Web Processes

Identifies suspicious commands executed via a web server, which may suggest a vulnerability and remote shell access.



Process Creation via Secondary Logon

Identifies process creation with alternate credentials. Adversaries may create a new process with a different token to escalate privileges and bypass access controls.



Modification of the msPKIAccountCredentials

Identify the modification of the msPKIAccountCredentials attribute in an Active Directory User Object. Attackers can abuse the credentials roaming feature to overwrite an arbitrary file for privilege escalation. ms-PKI-AccountCredentials contains binary large objects (BLOBs) of encrypted credential objects from the credential manager store, private keys, certificates, and certificate requests.



Startup/Logon Script added to Group Policy Object

Detects the modification of Group Policy Objects (GPO) to add a startup/logon script to users or computer objects.



Group Policy Abuse for Privilege Addition

Detects the first occurrence of a modification to Group Policy Object Attributes to add privileges to user accounts or use them to add users as local admins.



Scheduled Task Execution at Scale via GPO

Detects the modification of Group Policy Object attributes to execute a scheduled task in the objects controlled by the GPO.



Service Creation via Local Kerberos Authentication

Identifies a suspicious local successful logon event where the Logon Package is Kerberos, the remote address is set to localhost, followed by a sevice creation from the same LogonId. This may indicate an attempt to leverage a Kerberos relay attack variant that can be used to elevate privilege locally from a domain joined user to local System privileges.



Interactive Logon by an Unusual Process

Identifies interactive logon attempt with alternate credentials and by an unusual process. Adversaries may create a new token to escalate privileges and bypass access controls.



Privilege Escalation via Named Pipe Impersonation

Identifies a privilege escalation attempt via named pipe impersonation. An adversary may abuse this technique by utilizing a framework such Metasploit’s meterpreter getsystem command.



First Time Seen NewCredentials Logon Process

Identifies a new credentials logon type performed by an unusual process. This may indicate the existence of an access token forging capability that are often abused to bypass access control restrictions.



Potential Privileged Escalation via SamAccountName Spoofing

Identifies a suspicious computer account name rename event, which may indicate an attempt to exploit CVE-2021-42278 to elevate privileges from a standard domain user to a user with domain admin privileges. CVE-2021-42278 is a security vulnerability that allows potential attackers to impersonate a domain controller via samAccountName attribute spoofing.



Service Control Spawned via Script Interpreter

Identifies Service Control (sc.exe) spawning from script interpreter processes to create, modify, or start services. This can potentially indicate an attempt to elevate privileges or maintain persistence.



Remote Computer Account DnsHostName Update

Identifies the remote update to a computer account’s DnsHostName attribute. If the new value set is a valid domain controller DNS hostname and the subject computer name is not a domain controller, then it’s highly likely a preparation step to exploit CVE-2022-26923 in an attempt to elevate privileges from a standard domain user to domain admin privileges.



SeDebugPrivilege Enabled by a Suspicious Process

Identifies the creation of a process running as SYSTEM and impersonating a Windows core binary privileges. Adversaries may create a new process with a different token to escalate privileges and bypass access controls.



UAC Bypass via DiskCleanup Scheduled Task Hijack

Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via hijacking DiskCleanup Scheduled Task. Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.



Bypass UAC via Event Viewer

Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via eventvwr.exe. Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.



UAC Bypass Attempt via Windows Directory Masquerading

Identifies an attempt to bypass User Account Control (UAC) by masquerading as a Microsoft trusted Windows directory. Attackers may bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.



Potential Exploitation of an Unquoted Service Path Vulnerability

Adversaries may leverage unquoted service path vulnerabilities to escalate privileges. By placing an executable in a higher-level directory within the path of an unquoted service executable, Windows will natively launch this executable from its defined path variable instead of the benign one in a deeper directory, thus leading to code execution.



Unusual Parent-Child Relationship

Identifies Windows programs run from unexpected parent processes. This could indicate masquerading or other strange activity on a system.



Unusual Print Spooler Child Process

Detects unusual Print Spooler service (spoolsv.exe) child processes. This may indicate an attempt to exploit privilege escalation vulnerabilities related to the Printing Service on Windows.



Privilege Escalation via Rogue Named Pipe Impersonation

Identifies a privilege escalation attempt via rogue named pipe impersonation. An adversary may abuse this technique by masquerading as a known named pipe and manipulating a privileged process to connect to it.



Windows Service Installed via an Unusual Client

Identifies the creation of a Windows service by an unusual client process. Services may be created with administrator privileges but are executed under SYSTEM privileges, so an adversary may also use a service to escalate privileges from administrator to SYSTEM.

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