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Operationalizing JADC2 with Elastic as a data speed layer

The Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) strategy aims to link the US military and its coalition partners across space, air, sea, undersea, land, and cyber domains. As JADC2 ramps up, leaders need to work through challenges such as: siloed and legacy systems, incompatible data formats, network infrastructure vulnerability, DevSecOps workflow integration, Zero Trust, continuous data scalability, and data integrity and compliance.

In this ebook, learn how Elastic helps JADC2 stakeholders from the Air Force, Army, and Navy/Marine Corps overcome these challenges with a distributed data speed layer. Key to this is Elastic Cross-Cluster Search, which collects and fuses a growing amount of data sets without latency, and works just as well in garrison as it does at the tactical edge.


  • Discover how data is ingested and normalized from any point in the ecosystem
  • Understand how telemetry boosts network infrastructure resilience
  • Learn how to accelerate DevSecOps pipelines
  • Gain insight about keeping data actionable in a Zero Trust Architecture
  • Grasp how to scale as the data required to achieve the mission grows
  • See how access controls facilitate data integrity and compliance

      Other references

      Download the ebook


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