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Sizing & Estimate

Elastic Security for SIEM
Price Estimator

Begin your SIEM estimate below or give the endpoint estimator a try.

* Estimates are for Elastic Cloud only

1. How many systems (endpoints, servers, devices) do you want to collect events from?
100 GB500 GB1 TB3 TB
Data ingestion per day
2. Which of the following best describes your security operation?
3. What is your SOC’s interactive query window, in terms of days?
4. For how many ADDITIONAL days would you like to keep security events and information for threat hunting, investigations, and data retention?

Monthly estimate


Start free trial

These prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on your workload.

Feature packed icon

Your deployment includes:

  • Predictable pricing based on consumption, scale as you grow
  • Dedicated deployment resources
  • Automated detection at scale
  • Search petabytes at low cost
  • Cross cluster search and replication
  • Endpoint Security, Cloud Security
  • Enhanced support SLA (Urgent 1hr, High 4hrs)