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On-demand webinar

Semantic search excellence: Getting started with AI

Hosted by:

Nick Chow

Nick Chow

Prinicipal Product Manager


Jeff Vestal

Jeff Vestal

Principal Customer Enterprise Architect



This is part one of a two-part series on the journey to semantic search and generative AI excellence. Join us as we guide you through the spectrum of search methodologies, the steps to building search that understands the meaning of a query, and the choices and options along this path. We'll start with foundational text search using BM25 and then extend into vector databases, advanced models like Elastic's Learned Sparse EncodeR (ELSER), and the revolutionary retrieval augmented generation (RAG) model.

This webinar is tailored for both novice and seasoned Elasticsearch users. This immersive journey into the evolving landscape of semantic search will help you achieve excellent search results with Elasticsearch.


  • Gain insights into the spectrum of semantic search, from foundational text search to advanced models like RAG.
  • Understand the role of vector databases, enriched by ELSER, in expanding the horizons of search capabilities.
  • Experience the seamless integration of ESRE, dynamically fine-tuning search relevance based on user behavior and enhancing the search journey in the semantic space.
  • Get practical guidance on creating an Elastic Cloud account, ingesting data with the Elastic web crawler, and implementing semantic search in just a few clicks.

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