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On-demand webinar

Elastic on Microsoft Azure: Accelerate time to value with the integration enhancement


Easily bring the power of search, observability, and security to your Azure environment with a user interface and tools that are already familiar to you. Now you can easily find, deploy, and manage Elasticsearch and Kibana directly within the Azure portal. Simplify your operations and gain maximum visibility into the health, performance and security of your infrastructure, applications, and data in Azure.

  • Review common challenges in turning data into actionable insights
  • Discover the benefits of hosting in the cloud and adopting a search powered platform
  • Understand how the latest integration makes it faster and easier for deploy Elasticsearch and analyze data within minutes
  • Learn about cloud-optimized features that help simplify infrastructure, application, and data management within your Azure environment

Additional Resources

It's easy to get started. Visit the Azure Portal to get set up and subscribe. Be sure to check out our additional resources for more information on how you can benefit from this integration:

Want to accelerate time to insights within your Azure environment? In this webinar, you'll learn how to easily find, deploy, and manage Elasticsearch within the Azure portal so you can quickly get visibility into the health, performance, and security of your Azure applications and data.

Not an Azure customer yet? Check out Elasticsearch in the Azure Marketplace.

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