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Security detection techniques with Elastic

Security detection techniques with Elastic

Hosted by:

Haran Kumar

Haran Kumar

Senior Security Specialist



Security analytics needs to rapidly adapt to changing threats. Advanced detection techniques is one of the core capabilities of security operation centres in addressing different threat use cases. However, identifying and creating appropriate detection types for the use case might be challenging.

In this webinar, we will discuss different detection techniques associated with Elastic Security’s detection engine presented and demonstrated in the context of real-world examples and scenarios.

Get your Elastic Security detection skillset up to speed with Haran Kumar, Solutions Architect in Elastic’s global security specialists group.


  • Elastic’s detection engine and prebuilt detection rules
  • Understanding security rule configurations and MITRE ATT&CK® mappings
  • How different detection techniques work and creating your own rules
  • Detection alerts with threat intel lookups
  • Alert triage and rule fine tuning

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