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On-demand webinar

Upgrading Your Elastic Stack to 8.x

Hosted by:

George Kobar

George Kobar

Principal Product Marketing Manager


Alison Goryachev

Alison Goryachev

Senior Software Engineer



Version 8.x introduces exciting new features and improvements across the Elastic Stack. From modern NLP to a fresh modern look in Kibana to improved resource consumption and search performance, you can have all of this and more in 8.0, the future of the Elastic Stack.

Upgrading a large system without causing downtime can be daunting. But fear not, with the 8.0 Upgrade Assistant in Kibana and a little attention to detail, you can upgrade your entire Elastic Stack pain-free. In this virtual event, Alison Goryachev and George Kobar walk you through the considerations, best practices, and caveats for upgrading to 8.x.

We will cover:

  • Full Elastic Stack upgrade order
  • Upgrading to 8.x
    • 8.0 Upgrade Assistant
    • Re_indexing older indices
    • Elastic Common Schema (ECS)
    • Backing up your data
  • Upgrading on Elastic Cloud Best practices and caveats

Additional Resources

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