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On-demand webinar

Operational Intelligence-as-a-Service to fuel SWIFT’s Digital Transformation

Hosted by:

Stefan De Moerloose

Head of Operations & Data Analytics Tooling


Frank Polet

Big Data Architect


Participez à un événement Elastic officiel : vous y découvrirez d'autres témoignages semblables à celui-ci, des présentations techniques détaillées et des sessions autour de la roadmap produit de la Suite ELK. Afficher les dates »


SWIFT is the world’s leading provider in secure financial messaging services. To fuel SWIFT’s Digital Transformation, they are bringing data analytics to the CORE of their Operations. Using the Elastic Stack to power their Operational Intelligence-as-a-Service, SWIFT brings full visibility to operations & applications telemetry data. Discover how SWIFT expanded the scope of their use cases from monitoring logging information, to having a 360° observability approach for customer support, and empowered their DevOps team to capture analytics & feedback to improve product development using the Elastic Stack.

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