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On-demand webinar

Drive digital transformation with search-powered technology

Hosted by:

Matthew Minetola

Matthew Minetola

Chief Information Officer


Boris Evelson

Boris Evelson

Vice President and Principal Analyst


Dan Courcy

Dan Courcy

Principal Product Marketing Manager



Data, IT, and cybersecurity leaders are expected to drive real and measurable results from digital transformation projects. To achieve results like increasing the speed of business and improving customer experiences, at least half of the surveyed respondents plan to increase investments in search-powered technology, according to a study by Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Elastic. Leaders say search powered technologies that enable the search of data across multiple sources improve productivity, reduce cybersecurity risks, and save money.

Join a conversation with our guest Boris Evelson, Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester, Matt Minetola, CIO at Elastic, and Dan Courcy, Principal Product Marketing Manager at Elastic, to learn how search-powered technology fuels mission-critical initiatives.

The discussion will cover:

  • How intuitive search experiences enable organizations to solve challenges faster, to the benefit of their customers
  • How to accelerate digital transformation and reduce cybersecurity risks with search-powered technology
  • Why leaders are increasingly looking for solutions delivered on cloud, as an integrated platform

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