- Logstash Reference: other versions:
- Logstash Introduction
- Getting Started with Logstash
- Breaking Changes
- Upgrading Logstash
- Configuring Logstash
- Performance Troubleshooting Guide
- Working with plugins
- Input plugins
- beats
- couchdb_changes
- drupal_dblog
- elasticsearch
- exec
- eventlog
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- generator
- graphite
- github
- heartbeat
- heroku
- http
- http_poller
- irc
- imap
- jdbc
- jmx
- kafka
- log4j
- lumberjack
- meetup
- pipe
- puppet_facter
- relp
- rss
- rackspace
- rabbitmq
- redis
- salesforce
- snmptrap
- stdin
- sqlite
- s3
- sqs
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- unix
- udp
- varnishlog
- wmi
- websocket
- xmpp
- zenoss
- zeromq
- Output plugins
- boundary
- circonus
- csv
- cloudwatch
- datadog
- datadog_metrics
- elasticsearch
- elasticsearch_java
- exec
- file
- google_bigquery
- google_cloud_storage
- ganglia
- gelf
- graphtastic
- graphite
- hipchat
- http
- irc
- influxdb
- juggernaut
- jira
- kafka
- lumberjack
- librato
- loggly
- mongodb
- metriccatcher
- nagios
- null
- nagios_nsca
- opentsdb
- pagerduty
- pipe
- riemann
- redmine
- rackspace
- rabbitmq
- redis
- riak
- s3
- sqs
- stomp
- statsd
- solr_http
- sns
- syslog
- stdout
- tcp
- udp
- webhdfs
- websocket
- xmpp
- zabbix
- zeromq
- Filter plugins
- aggregate
- alter
- anonymize
- collate
- csv
- cidr
- clone
- cipher
- checksum
- date
- de_dot
- dns
- drop
- elasticsearch
- extractnumbers
- environment
- elapsed
- fingerprint
- geoip
- grok
- i18n
- json
- json_encode
- kv
- mutate
- metrics
- multiline
- metaevent
- prune
- punct
- ruby
- range
- syslog_pri
- sleep
- split
- throttle
- translate
- uuid
- urldecode
- useragent
- xml
- zeromq
- Codec plugins
- Contributing to Logstash
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash codec plugin
- How to write a Logstash filter plugin
- Contributing a Patch to a Logstash Plugin
- Logstash Plugins Community Maintainer Guide
- Submitting your plugin to RubyGems.org and the logstash-plugins repository
- Glossary of Terms
- Release Notes
editThis is a community-maintained plugin! It does not ship with Logstash by default, but it is easy to install by running bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-codec-avro
Read serialized Avro records as Logstash events
This plugin is used to serialize Logstash events as Avro datums, as well as deserializing Avro datums into Logstash events.
editThis codec is for serializing individual Logstash events as Avro datums that are Avro binary blobs. It does not encode Logstash events into an Avro file.
editThis codec is for deserializing individual Avro records. It is not for reading Avro files. Avro files have a unique format that must be handled upon input.
editExample usage with Kafka input.
input { kafka { codec => { avro => { schema_uri => "/tmp/schema.avsc" } } } } filter { ... } output { ... }
editThis plugin supports the following configuration options:
Required configuration options:
avro { schema_uri => ... }
Available configuration options:
Setting | Input type | Required | Default value |
Yes |