- Logstash Reference: other versions:
- Logstash Introduction
- Getting Started with Logstash
- Breaking Changes
- Upgrading Logstash
- Configuring Logstash
- Performance Troubleshooting Guide
- Working with plugins
- Input plugins
- beats
- couchdb_changes
- drupal_dblog
- elasticsearch
- exec
- eventlog
- file
- ganglia
- gelf
- generator
- graphite
- github
- heartbeat
- heroku
- http
- http_poller
- irc
- imap
- jdbc
- jmx
- kafka
- log4j
- lumberjack
- meetup
- pipe
- puppet_facter
- relp
- rss
- rackspace
- rabbitmq
- redis
- salesforce
- snmptrap
- stdin
- sqlite
- s3
- sqs
- stomp
- syslog
- tcp
- unix
- udp
- varnishlog
- wmi
- websocket
- xmpp
- zenoss
- zeromq
- Output plugins
- boundary
- circonus
- csv
- cloudwatch
- datadog
- datadog_metrics
- elasticsearch
- elasticsearch_java
- exec
- file
- google_bigquery
- google_cloud_storage
- ganglia
- gelf
- graphtastic
- graphite
- hipchat
- http
- irc
- influxdb
- juggernaut
- jira
- kafka
- lumberjack
- librato
- loggly
- mongodb
- metriccatcher
- nagios
- null
- nagios_nsca
- opentsdb
- pagerduty
- pipe
- riemann
- redmine
- rackspace
- rabbitmq
- redis
- riak
- s3
- sqs
- stomp
- statsd
- solr_http
- sns
- syslog
- stdout
- tcp
- udp
- webhdfs
- websocket
- xmpp
- zabbix
- zeromq
- Filter plugins
- aggregate
- alter
- anonymize
- collate
- csv
- cidr
- clone
- cipher
- checksum
- date
- de_dot
- dns
- drop
- elasticsearch
- extractnumbers
- environment
- elapsed
- fingerprint
- geoip
- grok
- i18n
- json
- json_encode
- kv
- mutate
- metrics
- multiline
- metaevent
- prune
- punct
- ruby
- range
- syslog_pri
- sleep
- split
- throttle
- translate
- uuid
- urldecode
- useragent
- xml
- zeromq
- Codec plugins
- Contributing to Logstash
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash input plugin
- How to write a Logstash codec plugin
- How to write a Logstash filter plugin
- Contributing a Patch to a Logstash Plugin
- Logstash Plugins Community Maintainer Guide
- Submitting your plugin to RubyGems.org and the logstash-plugins repository
- Glossary of Terms
- Release Notes
Ingest events from the Twitter Streaming API.
editThis plugin supports the following configuration options:
Required configuration options:
twitter { consumer_key => ... consumer_secret => ... oauth_token => ... oauth_token_secret => ... }
Available configuration options:
Setting | Input type | Required | Default value |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
edit- Value type is codec
Default value is
The codec used for input data. Input codecs are a convenient method for decoding your data before it enters the input, without needing a separate filter in your Logstash pipeline.
edit- This is a required setting.
- Value type is string
- There is no default value for this setting.
Your Twitter App’s consumer key
Don’t know what this is? You need to create an "application" on Twitter, see this url: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
edit- This is a required setting.
- Value type is password
- There is no default value for this setting.
Your Twitter App’s consumer secret
If you don’t have one of these, you can create one by registering a new application with Twitter: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
edit- Value type is array
- There is no default value for this setting.
A comma separated list of user IDs, indicating the users to return statuses for in the Twitter stream. See https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/request-parameters#follow for more details.
edit- Value type is boolean
Default value is
Record full tweet object as given to us by the Twitter Streaming API.
edit- Value type is boolean
Default value is
Lets you ingore the retweets coming out of the Twitter API. Default ⇒ false
edit- Value type is array
- There is no default value for this setting.
Any keywords to track in the Twitter stream. For multiple keywords, use the syntax ["foo", "bar"]. There’s a logical OR between each keyword string listed and a logical AND between words separated by spaces per keyword string. See https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/request-parameters#track for more details.
The wildcard "*" option is not supported. To ingest a sample stream of all tweets, the use_samples option is recommended.
edit- Value type is array
- There is no default value for this setting.
A list of BCP 47 language identifiers corresponding to any of the languages listed on Twitter’s advanced search page will only return tweets that have been detected as being written in the specified languages.
edit- Value type is string
- There is no default value for this setting.
A comma-separated list of longitude, latitude pairs specifying a set of bounding boxes to filter tweets by. See https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/request-parameters#locations for more details.
edit- This is a required setting.
- Value type is string
- There is no default value for this setting.
Your oauth token.
To get this, login to Twitter with whatever account you want, then visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps
Click on your app (used with the consumer_key and consumer_secret settings) Then at the bottom of the page, click Create my access token which will create an oauth token and secret bound to your account and that application.
edit- This is a required setting.
- Value type is password
- There is no default value for this setting.
Your oauth token secret.
To get this, login to Twitter with whatever account you want, then visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps
Click on your app (used with the consumer_key and consumer_secret settings) Then at the bottom of the page, click Create my access token which will create an oauth token and secret bound to your account and that application.
edit- Value type is string
Default value is
Location of the proxy, by default the same machine as the one running this LS instance
edit- Value type is number
Default value is
Port where the proxy is listening, by default 3128 (squid)
edit- Value type is array
- There is no default value for this setting.
Add any number of arbitrary tags to your event.
This can help with processing later.
edit- Value type is string
- There is no default value for this setting.
Add a type
field to all events handled by this input.
Types are used mainly for filter activation.
The type is stored as part of the event itself, so you can also use the type to search for it in Kibana.
If you try to set a type on an event that already has one (for example when you send an event from a shipper to an indexer) then a new input will not override the existing type. A type set at the shipper stays with that event for its life even when sent to another Logstash server.
edit- Value type is boolean
Default value is
When to use a proxy to handle the connections
edit- Value type is boolean
Default value is
Returns a small random sample of all public statuses. The tweets returned by the default access level are the same, so if two different clients connect to this endpoint, they will see the same tweets. If set to true, the keywords, follows, locations, and languages options will be ignored. Default ⇒ false
On this page