Course title

Kibana Data and Ops Analyst

Course summary

This course focuses on using Kibana to analyze data and operational metrics in Elasticsearch. You will learn how to create visualizations and dashboards across a variety of data sets, including logging, metrics and uptime data. Starting with the fundamentals, you will learn the core concepts of data and operational analysis using Kibana — from aggregation-based charts, to complex time series visualizations, to building complex dashboards from multiple data sources. You will also learn how to use the Elastic Logs and Infrastructure apps. Through lectures, labs, and Q&A sessions, after this course you will be able to easily find answers and anomalies in your data sets. You will also be well prepared for our new Elastic Certified Ops Analyst certification (more info coming soon).

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  • Kibana fundamentals
  • Kibana search
  • Kibana visualizations
  • Kibana dashboards
  • Kibana visual builder
  • Kibana management
  • Observability apps
  • Analyzing infrastructure data
  • Machine learning and alerting






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