
Elastic Cloud Serverless

Introducing Elastic Cloud Serverless! Build powerful search experiences, monitor cloud native environments with ease, and enhance security with AI-driven analytics. Enjoy simplified APIs, workload-based autoscaling, and no infrastructure management hassle. Get started quickly and pay only for what you use. Try serverless today.

Elastic Observability Serverless pricing components

Pricing should be simple. With Elastic Observability Serverless, you can spend more time protecting your organization and less time with complicated pricing and packaging details.

  • Ingest

    Ingest all of your data including logs, metrics, traces, and synthetic test results.

    This includes all of our core capabilities and advanced features like AIOps, measured in GB.

  • Retention

    Retention is measured by the total amount of data stored in your project (a.k.a. the Search AI Lake).

    Search AI Lake brings together the expansive storage capacity of a data lake and the low latency querying, powerful search and AI relevance capabilities of Elasticsearch.

Pricing details

Pricing details

Observability Complete

Fully-managed Elastic Observability is the easiest way to apply the power of Elastic Observability to monitor your cloud native and hybrid environments.

Try for free


  • Access to all underlying signals
  • Managed ingest service
  • Synthetics service
  • ML capabilities
  • AI Assistant
$2.00 Per ingested GB
$0.115* Per retained GB per month
(Data transfer out of Project)
Per ingested GB
Per retained GB per month*
Egress (Data transfer out of Project)
*Free during the technical preview period

Additional cost

Enjoy the convenience of Elastic's global, managed testing infrastructure and conduct lightweight and full browser tests with ease. Benefit from additional features such as automatic scaling, built-in security, and seamless integration with Elastic Observability.

  • Optional

    Synthetic Monitoring browser tests

    Execute multi-step user journeys to ensure the functionality of business critical applications.


    /test run

  • Optional

    Synthetic lightweight testing locations

    Enjoy virtually unlimited ping availability tests for a flat rate.



Support package

Limited support is included with a Standard subscription; all other support pricing is based on the percentage of your consumption. For more information on what's included in each support level, please go to

Support package
Elastic Cloud organization subscription level* Standard Gold Platinum Enterprise
Support and total bill
Support level Limited Base Enhanced Premium
% of charge Included 5% 10% 15%

*Subscription level is selected during sign up

Serverless benefits

The same Elastic Observability, hands-free

Onboarding has never been simpler. Streamlined workflows and transparent pricing allow you to ingest all your data and easily pivot between signals to get insights in minutes.

  • Easy to get started

    With over 350 integrations, a managed intake service, and an OpenTelemetry-first approach, getting your Observability data into Elastic couldn’t be simpler.

  • All insight, no management

    You don't need another application to monitor. Deploying Elastic on serverless means you don't have to worry about managing a stack or scaling dynamic workloads.

  • Simple ingest-based pricing

    It's simple: you pay for what you ingest and retain. That's it. Say goodbye to hidden gotchas and monthly overages.

Discover everything you can do with Elastic serverless