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Get Private Locations API


Get Private Locations API


Retrieves a list of private locations or a single private location by ID.



GET <kibana host>:<port>/api/synthetics/private_locations

GET <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/synthetics/private_locations



You must have read privileges for the Synthetics and Uptime feature in the Observability section of the Kibana feature privileges.

List Response Example


The API returns a JSON array of private locations when accessing the list endpoint, with each private location having the following attributes:

  • label (string): A label for the private location.
  • id (string): The unique identifier of the private location.
  • agentPolicyId (string): The ID of the agent policy associated with the private location.
  • isInvalid (boolean): Indicates whether the location is invalid. If true, the location is invalid, which means the agent policy associated with the location is deleted.
  • geo (object): Geographic coordinates for the location, including lat and lon.
  • namespace (string): The namespace of the location, which is the same as the namespace of the agent policy associated with the location.

Here’s an example list response:

        "label": "Test private location",
        "id": "fleet-server-policy",
        "agentPolicyId": "fleet-server-policy",
        "isInvalid": false,
        "geo": {
            "lat": 0,
            "lon": 0
        "namespace": "default"
        "label": "Test private location 2",
        "id": "691225b0-6ced-11ee-8f5a-376306ee85ae",
        "agentPolicyId": "691225b0-6ced-11ee-8f5a-376306ee85ae",
        "isInvalid": false,
        "geo": {
            "lat": 0,
            "lon": 0
        "namespace": "test"

Get by ID/Label Response Example


The API returns a JSON object of a single private location when accessing the endpoint with a specific id, with the same attributes as in the list response.

Here’s an example request for a single location by ID:

GET api/synthetics/private_locations/<location_id>

or by label:

GET api/synthetics/private_locations/<Location label>

Here’s an example response object:

    "label": "Test private location",
    "id": "test-private-location-id",
    "agentPolicyId": "test-private-location-id",
    "isServiceManaged": false,
    "isInvalid": false,
    "geo": {
        "lat": 0,
        "lon": 0
    "namespace": "default"
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