
The executive guide to generative AI

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Create shared exception list


Creates a shared exception list.

An exception list groups exception items and can be associated with rules. When an exception item’s query evaluates to true, associated rules do not issue alerts even when their other criteria are met.

A shared exception list can apply to multiple detection rules. For more information, refer to Create rule and Update rule.

All exception items added to the same list are evaluated using OR logic. This means that if any of the items in a list evaluate to true, this prevents the rule from generating an alert. Likewise, OR logic is used for evaluating exceptions when more than one exception list is assigned to a rule. To use the AND operator, you can define multiple clauses (entries) in a single exception item.

Request URL


POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/exceptions/shared

For example, using cURL:

curl -X POST "<KibanaURL>/api/exceptions/shared"
-u <username>:<password> -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
--data "@<link to file>" 

The relative link to the .ndjson file containing the exception list.

Example request


Creates the exception list in the exception_lists.ndjson file and overwrites existing lists with the same list_id values:

curl -X POST "<KibanaURL>/api/exceptions/shared"
-u <username>:<password> -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
--data "@<link to file>" 

The relative link to the .ndjson file containing the exception list.

Response code

Indicates a successful call.

Response payload

    "description":"I want to share this list with other rules",
    "name":"my shared exception list",

Sample ndjson file

    "name": "my shared exception list",
    "description": "I want to share this list with other rules"
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