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cat plugins


The plugins command provides a view per node of running plugins. This information spans nodes.

GET /_cat/plugins?v&s=component&h=name,component,version,description

Might look like:

name    component               version   description
U7321H6 analysis-icu            7.2.1 The ICU Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene ICU module into Elasticsearch, adding ICU-related analysis components.
U7321H6 analysis-kuromoji       7.2.1 The Japanese (kuromoji) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene kuromoji analysis module into elasticsearch.
U7321H6 analysis-nori           7.2.1 The Korean (nori) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene nori analysis module into elasticsearch.
U7321H6 analysis-phonetic       7.2.1 The Phonetic Analysis plugin integrates phonetic token filter analysis with elasticsearch.
U7321H6 analysis-smartcn        7.2.1 Smart Chinese Analysis plugin integrates Lucene Smart Chinese analysis module into elasticsearch.
U7321H6 analysis-stempel        7.2.1 The Stempel (Polish) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene stempel (polish) analysis module into elasticsearch.
U7321H6 analysis-ukrainian      7.2.1 The Ukrainian Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene UkrainianMorfologikAnalyzer into elasticsearch.
U7321H6 discovery-azure-classic 7.2.1 The Azure Classic Discovery plugin allows to use Azure Classic API for the unicast discovery mechanism
U7321H6 discovery-ec2           7.2.1 The EC2 discovery plugin allows to use AWS API for the unicast discovery mechanism.
U7321H6 discovery-gce           7.2.1 The Google Compute Engine (GCE) Discovery plugin allows to use GCE API for the unicast discovery mechanism.
U7321H6 ingest-attachment       7.2.1 Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents
U7321H6 mapper-annotated-text   7.2.1 The Mapper Annotated_text plugin adds support for text fields with markup used to inject annotation tokens into the index.
U7321H6 mapper-murmur3          7.2.1 The Mapper Murmur3 plugin allows to compute hashes of a field's values at index-time and to store them in the index.
U7321H6 mapper-size             7.2.1 The Mapper Size plugin allows document to record their uncompressed size at index time.
U7321H6 store-smb               7.2.1 The Store SMB plugin adds support for SMB stores.
U7321H6 transport-nio           7.2.1 The nio transport.

We can tell quickly how many plugins per node we have and which versions.

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