What’s new in 8.16


Coming in 8.16.

Here are the highlights of what’s new and improved in Elasticsearch 8.16!

Stored fields are now compressed with ZStandard instead of LZ4/DEFLATE


Stored fields are now compressed by splitting documents into blocks, which are then compressed independently with ZStandard. index.codec: default (default) uses blocks of at most 14kB or 128 documents compressed with level 0, while index.codec: best_compression uses blocks of at most 240kB or 2048 documents compressed at level 3. On most datasets that we tested against, this yielded storage improvements in the order of 10%, slightly faster indexing and similar retrieval latencies.


Stricter failure handling in multi-repo get-snapshots request handling


If a multi-repo get-snapshots request encounters a failure in one of the targeted repositories then earlier versions of Elasticsearch would proceed as if the faulty repository did not exist, except for a per-repository failure report in a separate section of the response body. This makes it impossible to paginate the results properly in the presence of failures. In versions 8.15.0 and later this API’s failure handling behaviour has been made stricter, reporting an overall failure if any targeted repository’s contents cannot be listed.


Add new int4 quantization to dense_vector


New int4 (half-byte) scalar quantization support via two knew index types: int4_hnsw and int4_flat. This gives an 8x reduction from float32 with some accuracy loss. In addition to less memory required, this improves query and merge speed significantly when compared to raw vectors.




This adds the INLINESTATS command to ESQL which performs a STATS and then enriches the results into the output stream. So, this query:

FROM test
| WHERE m == a * b

Produces output like:

| a | b | m | | --- | --- | ----- | | 99 | 999 | 98901 | | 99 | 998 | 98802 | | 99 | 997 | 98703 |


Mark Query Rules as GA


This PR marks query rules as Generally Available. All APIs are no longer in tech preview.


Adds new bit element_type for dense_vectors


This adds bit vector support by adding element_type: bit for vectors. This new element type works for indexed and non-indexed vectors. Additionally, it works with hnsw and flat index types. No quantization based codec works with this element type, this is consistent with byte vectors.

bit vectors accept up to 32768 dimensions in size and expect vectors that are being indexed to be encoded either as a hexidecimal string or a byte[] array where each element of the byte array represents 8 bits of the vector.

bit vectors support script usage and regular query usage. When indexed, all comparisons done are xor and popcount summations (aka, hamming distance), and the scores are transformed and normalized given the vector dimensions.

For scripts, l1norm is the same as hamming distance and l2norm is sqrt(l1norm). dotProduct and cosineSimilarity are not supported.

Note, the dimensions expected by this element_type are always to be divisible by 8, and the byte[] vectors provided for index must be have size dim/8 size, where each byte element represents 8 bits of the vectors.


The Redact processor is Generally Available


The Redact processor uses the Grok rules engine to obscure text in the input document matching the given Grok patterns. The Redact processor was initially released as Technical Preview in 8.7.0, and is now released as Generally Available.


Always allow rebalancing by default


In earlier versions of Elasticsearch the cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance setting defaults to indices_all_active which blocks all rebalancing moves while the cluster is in yellow or red health. This was appropriate for the legacy allocator which might do too many rebalancing moves otherwise. Today’s allocator has better support for rebalancing a cluster that is not in green health, and expects to be able to rebalance some shards away from over-full nodes to avoid allocating shards to undesirable locations in the first place. From version 8.16 allow_rebalance setting defaults to always unless the legacy allocator is explicitly enabled.


New custom parser for ISO-8601 datetimes


This introduces a new custom parser for ISO-8601 datetimes, for the iso8601, strict_date_optional_time, and strict_date_optional_time_nanos built-in date formats. This provides a performance improvement over the default Java date-time parsing. Whilst it maintains much of the same behaviour, the new parser does not accept nonsensical date-time strings that have multiple fractional seconds fields or multiple timezone specifiers. If the new parser fails to parse a string, it will then use the previous parser to parse it. If a large proportion of the input data consists of these invalid strings, this may cause a small performance degradation. If you wish to force the use of the old parsers regardless, set the JVM property es.datetime.java_time_parsers=true on all ES nodes.


New custom parser for more ISO-8601 date formats


Following on from #106486, this extends the custom ISO-8601 datetime parser to cover the strict_year, strict_year_month, strict_date_time, strict_date_time_no_millis, strict_date_hour_minute_second, strict_date_hour_minute_second_millis, and strict_date_hour_minute_second_fraction date formats. As before, the parser will use the existing java.time parser if there are parsing issues, and the es.datetime.java_time_parsers=true JVM property will force the use of the old parsers regardless.


Preview: Support for the Connection Type, 'Domain, and ISP databases in the geoip processor


As a Technical Preview, the geoip processor can now use the commercial GeoIP2 Connection Type, GeoIP2 Domain, and GeoIP2 ISP databases from MaxMind.


Update Elasticsearch to Lucene 9.11


Elasticsearch is now updated using the latest Lucene version 9.11. Here are the full release notes: But, here are some particular highlights: - Usage of MADVISE for better memory management: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13196 - Use RWLock to access LRUQueryCache to reduce contention: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13306 - Speedup multi-segment HNSW graph search for nested kNN queries: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13121 - Add a MemorySegment Vector scorer - for scoring without copying on-heap vectors: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13339


Synthetic _source improvements


There are multiple improvements to synthetic _source functionality:

  • Synthetic _source is now supported for all field types including nested and object. object fields are supported with enabled set to false.
  • Synthetic _source can be enabled together with ignore_malformed and ignore_above parameters for all field types that support them.


Index sorting on indexes with nested fields


Index sorting is now supported for indexes with mappings containing nested objects. The index sort spec (as specified by index.sort.field) can’t contain any nested fields, still.
