Web Application Suspicious Activity: Unauthorized Method


Web Application Suspicious Activity: Unauthorized Method


A request to a web application returned a 405 response, which indicates the web application declined to process the request because the HTTP method is not allowed for the resource.

Rule type: query

Rule indices:

  • apm--transaction
  • traces-apm*

Severity: medium

Risk score: 47

Runs every: 5 minutes

Searches indices from: now-6m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100



  • Elastic
  • APM

Version: 9 (version history)

Added (Elastic Stack release): 7.6.0

Last modified (Elastic Stack release): 8.4.0

Rule authors: Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Potential false positives


Security scans and tests may result in these errors. Misconfigured or buggy applications may produce large numbers of these errors. If the source is unexpected, the user unauthorized, or the request unusual, these may indicate suspicious or malicious activity.

Rule query


Rule version history

Version 9 (8.4.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 8 (7.15.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 7 (7.14.0 release)
  • Updated query, changed from:

Version 6 (7.12.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 5 (7.11.2 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 4 (7.10.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 3 (7.9.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 2 (7.7.0 release)
  • Formatting only