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Disable an Elasticsearch data tier


Attempting to scale nodes down in size, reducing availability zones, or reverting an autoscaling change can all result in cluster instability, cluster inaccessibility, and even data corruption or loss in extreme cases.

To avoid this, especially for production environments, and in addition to making configuration changes to your indices and ILM as described on this page:

  • Review the disk size, CPU, JVM memory pressure, and other performance metrics of your deployment before attempting to perform the scaling down action.
  • Make sure that you have enough resources and availability zones to handle your workloads after scaling down.
  • Check that your deployment’s hardware profile is correct for your business use case. For example, if you need to scale due to CPU pressure increases and are using a Storage Optimized hardware profile, consider switching to a CPU Optimized configuration instead.

Read for additional details.

If in doubt, reach out to Support.

The process of disabling a data tier depends on whether we are dealing with searchable snapshots or regular indices.

The hot and warm tiers store regular indices, while the frozen tier stores searchable snapshots. However, the cold tier can store either regular indices or searchable snapshots. To check if a cold tier contains searchable snapshots perform the following request:

# cold data tier searchable snapshot indices
GET /_cat/indices/restored-*

# frozen data tier searchable snapshot indices
GET /_cat/indices/partial-*

Non-searchable snapshot data tier


Elasticsearch Service tries to move all data from the nodes that are removed during plan changes. To disable a non-searchable snapshot data tier (e.g., hot, warm, or cold tier), make sure that all data on that tier can be re-allocated by reconfiguring the relevant shard allocation filters. You’ll also need to temporarily stop your index lifecycle management (ILM) policies to prevent new indices from being moved to the data tier you want to disable.

To learn more about ILM for Elasticsearch Service, or shard allocation filtering, check the following documentation:

To make sure that all data can be migrated from the data tier you want to disable, follow these steps:

  1. Determine which nodes will be removed from the cluster.

    1. Log in to the Elasticsearch Service Console.
    2. From the Deployments page, select your deployment.

      On the deployments page you can narrow your deployments by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To customize your view, use a combination of filters, or change the format from a grid to a list.

    3. Filter the list of instances by the Data tier you want to disable.

      A screenshot showing a filtered instance list

      Note the listed instance IDs. In this example, it would be Instance 2 and Instance 3.

  2. Stop ILM.

    POST /_ilm/stop
  3. Determine which shards need to be moved.

    GET /_cat/shards

    Parse the output, looking for shards allocated to the nodes to be removed from the cluster. Note that Instance #2 is shown as instance-0000000002 in the output.

    A screenshot showing a filtered shard list
  4. Move shards off the nodes to be removed from the cluster.

    You must remove any index-level shard allocation filters from the indices on the nodes to be removed. ILM uses different rules depending on the policy and version of Elasticsearch. Check the index settings to determine which rule to use:

    GET /my-index/_settings
    1. Updating data tier based allocation inclusion rules.

      Data tier based ILM policies use index.routing.allocation.include to allocate shards to the appropriate tier. The indices that use this method have index routing settings similar to the following example:

          "routing": {
              "allocation": {
                  "include": {
                      "_tier_preference": "data_warm,data_hot"

      You must remove the relevant tier from the inclusion rules. For example, to disable the warm tier, the data_warm tier preference should be removed:

      PUT /my-index/_settings
          "routing": {
            "allocation": {
              "include": {
                  "_tier_preference": "data_hot"

      Updating allocation inclusion rules will trigger a shard re-allocation, moving the shards from the nodes to be removed.

    2. Updating node attribute allocation requirement rules.

      Node attribute based ILM policies uses index.routing.allocation.require to allocate shards to the appropriate nodes. The indices that use this method have index routing settings that are similar to the following example:

          "routing": {
              "allocation": {
                  "require": {
                      "data": "warm"

      You must either remove or redefine the routing requirements. To remove the attribute requirements, use the following code:

      PUT /my-index/_settings
          "routing": {
            "allocation": {
              "require": {
                  "data": null

      Removing required attributes does not trigger a shard reallocation. These shards are moved when applying the plan to disable the data tier. Alternatively, you can use the cluster re-route API to manually re-allocate the shards before removing the nodes, or explicitly re-allocate shards to hot nodes by using the following code:

      PUT /my-index/_settings
          "routing": {
            "allocation": {
              "require": {
                  "data": "hot"
    3. Removing custom allocation rules.

      If indices on nodes to be removed have shard allocation rules of other forms, they must be removed as shown in the following example:

      PUT /my-index/_settings
          "routing": {
            "allocation": {
              "require": null,
              "include": null,
              "exclude": null
  5. Edit the deployment, disabling the data tier.

    If autoscaling is enabled, set the maximum size to 0 for the data tier to ensure autoscaling does not re-enable the data tier.

    Any remaining shards on the tier being disabled are re-allocated across the remaining cluster nodes while applying the plan to disable the data tier. Monitor shard allocation during the data migration phase to ensure all allocation rules have been correctly updated. If the plan fails to migrate data away from the data tier, then re-examine the allocation rules for the indices remaining on that data tier.

  6. Once the plan change completes, confirm that there are no remaining nodes associated with the disabled tier and that GET _cluster/health reports green. If this is the case, re-enable ILM.

    POST _ilm/start

Searchable snapshot data tier


When data reaches the cold or frozen phases, it is automatically converted to a searchable snapshot by ILM. If you do not intend to delete this data, you should manually restore each of the searchable snapshot indices to a regular index before disabling the data tier, by following these steps:

  1. Stop ILM and check ILM status is STOPPED to prevent data from migrating to the phase you intend to disable while you are working through the next steps.

    # stop ILM
    POST _ilm/stop
    # check status
    GET _ilm/status
  2. Capture a comprehensive list of index and searchable snapshot names.

    1. The index name of the searchable snapshots may differ based on the data tier. If you intend to disable the cold tier, then perform the following request with the restored-* prefix. If the frozen tier is the one to be disabled, use the partial-* prefix.

      GET <searchable-snapshot-index-prefix>/_settings?filter_path=**

      In the example we have a list of 4 indices, which need to be moved away from the frozen tier.

      A screenshot showing a snapshot indices list
  3. (Optional) Save the list of index and snapshot names in a text file, so you can access it throughout the rest of the process.
  4. Remove the aliases that were applied to searchable snapshots indices. Use the index prefix from step 2.

    POST _aliases
      "actions": [
          "remove": {
            "index": "<searchable-snapshot-index-prefix>-<index_name>",
            "alias": "<index_name>"

    If you use data stream, you can skip this step.

    In the example we are removing the alias for the frozen-index-1 index.

    A screenshot showing the process of removing a searchable snapshot indice alias
  5. Restore indices from the searchable snapshots.

    1. Follow the steps to specify the data tier based allocation inclusion rules.
    2. Remove the associated ILM policy (set it to null). If you want to apply a different ILM policy, follow the steps to Switch lifecycle policies.
    3. If needed, specify the alias for rollover, otherwise set it to null.
    4. Optionally, specify the desired number of replica shards.

      POST _snapshot/found-snapshots/<searchable_snapshot_name>/_restore
        "indices": "*",
        "index_settings": {
          "index.routing.allocation.include._tier_preference": "<data_tiers>",
          "number_of_replicas": X,
          "": "<new-policy-name>",
          "index.lifecycle.rollover_alias": "<alias-for-rollover>"

      The <searchable_snapshot_name> refers to the above-mentioned step: "Capture a comprehensive list of index and searchable snapshot names".

      In the example we are restoring frozen-index-1 from the snapshot in found-snapshots (default snapshot repository) and placing it in the warm tier.

      A screenshot showing the process of restoring a searchable snapshot to a regular index
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all snapshots are restored to regular indices.
  7. Once all snapshots are restored, use GET _cat/indices/<index-pattern>?v=true to check that the restored indices are green and are correctly reflecting the expected doc and store.size counts.

    If you are using data stream, you may need to use GET _data_stream/<data-stream-name> to get the list of the backing indices, and then specify them by using GET _cat/indices/<backing-index-name>?v=true to check.

  8. Once your data has completed restoration from searchable snapshots to the target data tier, DELETE searchable snapshot indices using the prefix from step 2.

    DELETE <searchable-snapshot-index-prefix>-<index_name>
  9. Delete the searchable snapshots by following these steps:

    1. Open Kibana and navigate to Management > Data > Snapshot and Restore > Snapshots (or go to <kibana-endpoint>/app/management/data/snapshot_restore/snapshots)
    2. Search for *<ilm-policy-name>*
    3. Bulk select the snapshots and delete them

      In the example we are deleting the snapshots associated with the policy_with_frozen_phase.

      A screenshot showing the process of deleting snapshots
  10. Confirm that no shards remain on the data nodes you wish to remove using GET _cat/allocation?v=true&s=node.
  11. Edit your cluster from the console to disable the data tier.
  12. Once the plan change completes, confirm that there are no remaining nodes associated with the disabled tier and that GET _cluster/health reports green. If this is the case, re-enable ILM.

    POST _ilm/start
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