Configure Elastic Cloud SAML single sign-on


Configure Elastic Cloud SAML single sign-on


This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

Elastic Cloud supports SAML single sign-on (SSO) after you you register a SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP). Your organization’s members can sign into an organization-specific SSO login URL then join your Elastic Cloud organization automatically.



You must have a SAML 2.0 compatible identity provider.

Known issues and risks


Actions taken on the IdP are not automatically reflected in Elastic Cloud. For example, if you remove a user from your IdP, they are not removed from the Elastic Cloud organization and their active sessions are not invalidated. To immediately revoke a user’s active sessions, an organization owner must remove the user from the Elastic Cloud organization or remove their assigned roles.

At this time, users that join your Elastic Cloud organization by using IdP authentication are not automatically assigned roles. You must manually assign roles to organization members after they have joined the organization.

The IdP registration and domain claim features are available only by using APIs, which are in subject to change while in technical preview. The features are not yet available in the Elastic Cloud UI.

Claim a domain


Before you can register and use your IdP with Elastic Cloud, you must claim one or more domains. Only users that have email addresses that match claimed domains can authenticate with your IdP.

You must have authority to modify your domain’s DNS records and an organization owner API key. To create the latter, refer to Access and authentication.

  1. Generate a verification code for your domain:

    curl -XPOST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
    "$ORGANIZATION_ID/domains/domain_claims/_generate_verification_code" \
    -d '
      "domain_claim_request": "$DOMAIN"
  2. Update your DNS settings for your domain to add a new TXT record with name _elastic_domain_challenge. Put the value returned from the API in the previous step into the TXT record.
  3. Verify the domain ownership for your domain:

    curl -XPOST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
    "$ORGANIZATION_ID/domains/domain_claims/_verify" \
    -d '
      "domain_claim_request": "$DOMAIN"

It may take some time for the DNS records to be updated and propagated in the network. If verification isn’t successful, wait a while and try again.

If the members of your Elastic Cloud organization have email addresses from multiple domains, you can claim multiple domains.

Register a SAML IdP


After you have claimed one or more domains, you can register your IdP with Elastic Cloud. The steps vary by IdP; for more specific details, refer to Register Elastic Cloud SAML in Microsoft Entra ID and Register Elastic Cloud SAML in Okta.

  1. Create a new SAML 2 application in your IdP.

    1. Use placeholder values for the assertion consumer service (ACS) and SP entity ID/audience. Those values will be provided by Elastic Cloud in a later step.
    2. Configure your application to send an email attribute statement with the email address of your organization members. The email should match the domain that you claimed.
    3. Optionally configure the application to send firstName and lastName attribute statements, which will be used to set the respective fields of the user’s Elastic Cloud account.
    4. Note the SAML issuer and the SSO URL, which is the URL of the IdP where users will be redirected at login.
    5. Make sure to download the public certificate of the SAML 2 application.
  2. Register the IdP with Elastic Cloud:

    curl -XPUT \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
    "$ORGANIZATION_ID/idp" \
    -d '
      "enabled": true,
      "login_identifier_prefix": "<businessname>", 
      "name": "SSO with <businessname>",
      "saml_idp": {
        "public_certificate": [ 
        "issuer": "<issuer>", 
        "sso_url": "<ssourl>", 
        "subject": {
          "format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" 

    login_identifier_prefix is a customizable piece of the Elastic Cloud SSO url that your organization members can use to authenticate. This could be the name of your business. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphens in this value and you can change it later.

    public_certificate is a Base64-encoded DER-encoded certificate from your IdP. You must remove newlines and any PEM markers (such as -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or -----END CERTIFICATE-----) so that the certificate is a single-line Base64-encoded string. If your IdP provides a metadata.xml file, this would be the value of the X509Data element with newlines removed.

    issuer is a value provided by your IdP.

    sso_url is a value provided by your IdP.

    format is the SAML name-id format to use.

    If successful, the API will return the details of the registered IdP containing important details that will need to be provided to the IdP. For example:

    	"login_identifier": "<loginidentifier>",
    	"sso_login_url": "<loginidentifier>", 
    	"metadata_url": "<orgid>/idp/metadata.xml",
    	"acs": "<acs>", 
    	"sp_entity_id": "<orgid>", 
    	"signing_certificate": [ 

    sso_login_url is the URL you can provide to organization members to initiate SSO with your Elastic Cloud organization.

    acs is the SAML assertion consumer service that your SAML IdP should send SAML assertions.

    sp_entity_id is the SAML entity ID of the service provider that your SAML IdP should send in the SAML audience.

    signing_certificate is the Base64-encoded DER-encoded certificate that SAML requests to your IdP will be signed with.

  3. Update the SAML 2 application in your IdP with the values from the API response in the previous step.

    If your IdP accepts a metadata.xml file, you can fetch the file from the API. For example:

    curl -XGET \
    -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \

Test SSO


After you register the IdP in Elastic Cloud and configure your IdP, you can test authentication. To begin SSO, open the sso_login_url in your browser. If everything is configured correctly you should be redirected to your IdP for authentication and then redirected back to Elastic Cloud signed in. Users who are not a member of the Elastic Cloud organization can authenticate with your IdP to automatically create an Elastic Cloud account provided that their email matches the claimed domain.

At this time, new users in your Elastic Cloud organization will join without any roles assigned. An administrator must manually assign roles to the organization members.

Enforce SSO


After SSO is configured successfully, you may wish to enforce SSO authentication for members of your organization. This enforcement requires members to authenticate with SSO through the organization’s SAML IdP and prevents them from logging in by any other methods. It ensures that users who have been off-boarded in your IdP can no longer authenticate to Elastic Cloud.

If you turn on enforcement, you will be unable to access Elastic Cloud if your IdP is unavailable or misconfigured or there is an Elastic Cloud incident. It is recommended that you maintain and store an Elastic Cloud API key with organization owner level privileges so that an administrator can disable enforcement in an emergency. Refer to Create an API key. You can also open a support issue if you lose access to your Elastic Cloud account.

To turn on enforcement, use the following API call:

curl -XPUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
-d '
  "enforce_authentication_method": "sso"

To turn off enforcement, use the following API call:

curl -XPUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
-d '
  "enforce_authentication_method": null

Disable SSO


To disable SSO and make it unavailable for your organization, update the organization IdP with enabled: false. For example:

curl -XPUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
-d '
  "enabled": false,
  "login_identifier_prefix": "<businessname>",
  "name": "SSO with <businessname>",
  "saml_idp": {
    "public_certificate": [
    "issuer": "<issuer>",
    "sso_url": "<ssourl>",
    "subject": {
      "format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"

Troubleshoot SSO


SSO screen is not redirecting to my IdP


Double check the saml_idp.sso_url provided during IdP registration. This should be the URL to your IdP’s SAML application. Elastic Cloud will redirect to this URL during sign in.

Failure to redirect back to Elastic Cloud after IdP log in


There could be a variety of issues that might result in sign in failure. Try tracing the SAML request with a SAML tracer. Double check the components of the SAML request:

  • The Destination and Recipient should match the acs provided by the Elastic Cloud IdP registration API.
  • An AttributeStatement named email should be sent with the email matching a domain claimed by your Elastic Cloud organization.
  • The AudienceRestriction Audience should match the sp_entity_id provided by the Elastic Cloud IdP registration API.
  • The Issuer should match the value provided to the Elastic Cloud IdP registration API.



At this time, the following features are not supported:

  • Role mappings: Assign Elastic Cloud roles based on a SAML attribute passed by your IdP. Manage the role mappings in the Elastic Cloud UI.
  • Domain claiming and IdP registration UI: Manage the IdP configuration for your organization and your claimed domains in the Elastic Cloud UI
  • Email-based SSO lookup: Enter an email address at sign-in and be redirected to the right IdP with no need for the organization SSO URL.

These features will be available in a future release.