Enhancements and bug fixes - November 2024


Enhancements and bug fixes - November 2024


The following changes are included in this release.



AutoOps monitoring is now available. AutoOps for Elasticsearch is now available to significantly simplify cluster management with performance recommendations, resource utilization and cost insights, real-time issue detection, and resolution paths. By analyzing hundreds of Elasticsearch metrics, your configuration, and usage patterns, AutoOps offers operational and monitoring insights that can substantially reduce administration time and hardware costs. AutoOps is rolling out in phases in Elastic Cloud Hosted and CSP, with no installation required. For more information, check Monitor with AutoOps.



Do not apply manual role assignments when the organization has role mappings. When an organization has configured role mappings and SSO is enforced in the organization, users belonging to that organization cannot modify their roles manually.

Added a copy button to code blocks. Enabled the copy button in the Equivalent API request UI.

Added a warning in case of no-op plans. A simple callout has been added in case of no-op configuration changes.

Replace Cloud status link. References to cloud-status.elastic.co have been changed to status.elastic.co in the UI code.

Adding deprecation warning. A deprecation warning about standalone Enterprise Search, App Search, and Workplace Search has been added for hosted Elasticsearch 8.x versions.

Bug fixes


Fix Firehose indexing when index is defined by user. Fixes the indexing issue introduced in which custom indexing wins over the default for Firehose requests.

Generate correct cursor when a cursor search returns another cursor and include Elasticsearch in enum values for traffic filter tokens. Fixes a bug where the deployment search when used with a cursor value without also including the fields of the original search request would return a wrong next cursor.

Update permissions for API key deletion. API Key deletion permissions have been updated.

  • Affected endpoints:

    • DELETE /users/{user_id}/auth/keys/{api_key_id}
    • DELETE /users/{user_id}/auth/keys
    • DELETE /users/auth/keys/_all
  • New Permission Requirements:

    • Platform users can now delete only their own API keys by default.
    • To delete API keys belonging to other users, platform users must have the delete-others action for the organization that the API key belongs to.
    • Currently, only the ece_platform_admin role, which has the all permission, can delete API keys for other users.