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Forecast Jobs API

This API uses historical behavior to predict the future behavior of a time series.


POST _xpack/ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>/_forecast


See Forecasting the Future.

  • If you use an over_field_name property in your job, you cannot create a forecast. For more information about this property, see Job Resources.
  • The job must be open when you create a forecast. Otherwise, an error occurs.

Path Parameters

(string) Identifier for the job.

Request Parameters

(time units) A period of time that indicates how far into the future to forecast. For example, 30d corresponds to 30 days. The default value is 1 day. The forecast starts at the last record that was processed. For more information about time units, see Time units.
(time units) The period of time that forecast results are retained. After a forecast expires, the results are deleted. The default value is 14 days. If set to a value of 0, the forecast is never automatically deleted. For more information about time units, see Time units.


You must have manage_ml, or manage cluster privileges to use this API. For more information, see Security Privileges.


The following example requests a 10 day forecast for the total-requests job:

POST _xpack/ml/anomaly_detectors/total-requests/_forecast
  "duration": "10d"

When the forecast is created, you receive the following results:

  "acknowledged": true,
  "forecast_id": 1507824469268

You can subsequently see the forecast in the Single Metric Viewer in Kibana.

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