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Known issues


Universal Profiling has the following known issues:

Helm chart profiling-collector faulty binary location


Affected: 8.16.0, 8.16.1, 8.16.2, 8.17.0 Fixed in: 8.16.3+, 8.17.1+

The installation of Universal Profiling collector using the Helm chart profiling-collector produces a Deployment with the wrong binary path set in spec.template.spec.containers['pf-elastic-collector'].command.

The correct path should be /home/nonroot/pf-elastic-collector while the command field references the deprecated path /root/pf-elastic-collector. This issue prevents the collector from starting and as a result, the Deployment has Pods in CrashLoopBackoff status.

To fix this issue, a manual edit of the Deployment manifest should be performed, removing entirely the command field from the spec section.

This can be performed by either manipulating the Deployment template emitted by Helm or by using the kubectl edit command.

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