

Many search systems are built on multi-stage retrieval pipelines.

Earlier stages use cheap, fast algorithms to find a broad set of possible matches.

Later stages use more powerful models, often machine learning-based, to reorder the documents. This step is called re-ranking. Because the resource-intensive model is only applied to the smaller set of pre-filtered results, this approach returns more relevant results while still optimizing for search performance and computational costs.

Elasticsearch supports various ranking and re-ranking techniques to optimize search relevance and performance.

Two-stage retrieval pipelines


Initial retrieval


Full-text search: BM25 scoring


Elasticsearch ranks documents based on term frequency and inverse document frequency, adjusted for document length. BM25 is the default statistical scoring algorithm in Elasticsearch.

Vector search: similarity scoring


Vector search involves transforming data into dense or sparse vector embeddings to capture semantic meanings, and computing similarity scores for query vectors. Store vectors using semantic_text fields for automatic inference and vectorization or dense_vector and sparse_vector fields when you need more control over the underlying embedding model. Query vector fields with semantic, knn or sparse_vector queries to compute similarity scores. Refer to semantic search for more information.

Hybrid techniques


Hybrid search techniques combine results from full-text and vector search pipelines. Elasticsearch enables combining lexical matching (BM25) and vector search scores using the Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF) algorithm.



When using the following advanced re-ranking pipelines, first-stage retrieval mechanisms effectively generate a set of candidates. These candidates are funneled into the re-ranker to perform more computationally expensive re-ranking tasks.

Semantic re-ranking


Semantic re-ranking uses machine learning models to reorder search results based on their semantic similarity to a query. Models can be hosted directly in your Elasticsearch cluster, or you can use inference endpoints to call models provided by third-party services. Semantic re-ranking enables out-of-the-box semantic search capabilities on existing full-text search indices.

Learning to Rank (LTR)


Learning To Rank is for advanced users. Learning To Rank involves training a machine learning model to build a ranking function for your search experience that updates over time. LTR is best suited for when you have ample training data and need highly customized relevance tuning.