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Troubleshooting an unbalanced cluster


Troubleshooting an unbalanced cluster


Elasticsearch balances shards across data tiers to achieve a good compromise between:

  • shard count
  • disk usage
  • write load (for indices in data streams)

Elasticsearch does not take into account the amount or complexity of search queries when rebalancing shards. This is indirectly achieved by balancing shard count and disk usage.

There is no guarantee that individual components will be evenly spread across the nodes. This could happen if some nodes have fewer shards, or are using less disk space, but are assigned shards with higher write loads.

Use the cat allocation command to list workloads per node:

resp =
response =
  v: true
puts response
const response = await{
  v: "true",
GET /_cat/allocation?v

The API returns the following response:

shards shards.undesired write_load.forecast disk.indices.forecast disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.percent host      ip        node    node.role
     1                0                 0.0                  260b         260b    47.3gb     43.4gb    100.7gb           46 CSUXak2 himrst

This response contains the following information that influences balancing:

  • shards is the current number of shards allocated to the node
  • shards.undesired is the number of shards that needs to be moved to other nodes to finish balancing
  • disk.indices.forecast is the expected disk usage according to projected shard growth
  • write_load.forecast is the projected total write load associated with this node

A cluster is considered balanced when all shards are in their desired locations, which means that no further shard movements are planned (all shards.undesired values are equal to 0).

Some operations such as node restarting, decommissioning, or changing cluster allocation settings are disruptive and might require multiple shards to move in order to rebalance the cluster.

Shard movement order is not deterministic and mostly determined by the source and target node readiness to move a shard. While rebalancing is in progress some nodes might appear busier than others.

When a shard is allocated to an undesired node it uses the resources of the current node instead of the target. This might cause a hotspot (disk or CPU) when multiple shards reside on the current node that have not been moved to their corresponding targets yet.

If a cluster takes a long time to finish rebalancing you might find the following log entries:

[WARN][o.e.c.r.a.a.DesiredBalanceReconciler] [10%] of assigned shards (10/100) are not on their desired nodes, which exceeds the warn threshold of [10%]

This is not concerning as long as the number of such shards is decreasing and this warning appears occasionally, for example after rolling restarts or changing allocation settings.

If the cluster has this warning repeatedly for an extended period of time (multiple hours), it is possible that the desired balance is diverging too far from the current state.

If so, increase the cluster.routing.allocation.balance.threshold to reduce the sensitivity of the algorithm that tries to level up the shard count and disk usage within the cluster.

And reset the desired balance using the following API call:

resp = client.perform_request(
const response = await client.transport.request({
  method: "DELETE",
  path: "/_internal/desired_balance",
DELETE /_internal/desired_balance
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