
The executive guide to generative AI

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Inventory provides a single place to observe the status of your entire ecosystem of hosts, containers, and services at a glance, even just from logs. From there, you can monitor and understand the health of your entities, check what needs attention, and start your investigations.

The new Inventory requires the Elastic Entity Model (EEM). To learn more, refer to Elastic Entity Model.

Inventory catalog

Inventory is currently available for hosts, containers, and services, but it will scale to support all of your entities.

The EEM currently supports the inventory experience (as identified by,, and located in data identified by the following index patterns:


Where is set in metrics-*, logs-*, filebeat-*, and metricbeat-*


Where is set in filebeat*, logs-*, metrics-apm.service_transaction.1m*, and metrics-apm.service_summary.1m*


Where is set in metrics-*, logs-*, filebeat-*, and metricbeat-*

Inventory allows you to:

  • Filter for your entities to provide a high-level view of what you have leveraging your own tags and labels
  • Drill down into any host, container, or service to help you understand performance
  • Debug resource bottlenecks with your service caused by their containers and the hosts they run on.
  • Easily discover all entities related to the host, container or service you are viewing by leveraging your tags and labels

Explore your entities

  1. In your Elastic Observability Serverless project, go to Inventory to view all of your entities.

    When you open the Inventory for the first time, you’ll be asked to enable the EEM. Once enabled, the Inventory will be accessible to anyone with the appropriate privileges.

    The Inventory feature can be completely disabled using the observability:entityCentricExperience flag in Stack Management.

  2. In the search bar, search for your entities by name or type, for example entity.type:service.

For each entity, you can click the entity name and get a detailed view. For example, for an entity of type service, you get the following details:

  • Overview
  • Transactions
  • Dependencies
  • Errors
  • Metrics
  • Infrastructure
  • Service Map
  • Logs
  • Alerts
  • Dashboards
Entity detailed view

If you open an entity of type host or container that does not have infrastructure data, some of the visualizations will be blank and some features on the page will not be fully populated.

Add entities to the Inventory


Entities are added to the Inventory through one of the following approaches: Add data or Associate existing service logs.

Add data


To add entities, select Add data from the left-hand navigation and choose one of the following onboarding journeys:

Auto-detect logs and metrics
Detects hosts (with metrics and logs)
Detects hosts, containers, and services
Elastic APM / OpenTelemetry / Synthetic Monitor
Detects services

Associate existing service logs


To learn how, refer to Add a service name to logs.