Elasticsearch version 8.2.0


Elasticsearch version 8.2.0


Known issues

  • Parsing a request when the last element in an array is filtered out (for instance using _source_includes) fails. This is due to a bug in Jackson parser. Fixed in Elasticsearch 8.6.1 (#91456)

Bug fixes

  • Don’t apply the rewrite-as-range optimization if field is multivalued #84535 (issue: #82903)
  • Fix AdaptingAggregator toString method #86042
  • Fix: nested top metrics sort on keyword field #85058
  • Fix: use the correct field name when reading data from multi fields #84752
  • Add tests for min_hash configuration and fix settings names #84753 (issue: #84578)
  • Add delete privilege to kibana_system for APM #85085
  • Ensure API key can only see itself with QueryApiKey API #84859
  • Fix ownership of refresh tokens #85010
  • Grant kibana_system role read access to APM data streams #85744
  • Handle role descriptor retrieval for internal users #85049
  • Ignore app priv failures when resolving superuser #85519
  • Clean any used memory by the sequence matcher and circuit breaker used bytes in case of exception #84451
  • Increase store ref before snapshotting index commit #84776
  • Fix fields wildcard support to vector tile search API #85595 (issue: #85592)
  • Fix wildcard highlighting on match_only_text #85500 (issue: #85493)
  • Fix Stacktraces Taking Memory in ILM Error Step Serialization #84266
  • Invoke initial AsyncActionStep for newly created indices #84541 (issue: #77269)
  • Retry clean and create snapshot if it already exists #83694 #84829 (issue: #83694)
  • Skip the shrink step if the number of shards of the shrunk index is the same with the original #84434 (issue: #80180)
Indices APIs
  • Remove existing indices/datastreams/aliases before simulating index template #84675 (issue: #84256)
  • Fix NullPointerException in SystemIndexMetadataUpgradeService hidden alias handling #84780 (issue: #81411)
  • Prevent ThreadContext header leak when sending response #68649 (issue: #68278)
  • Relax data path deprecations from critical to warn #85952
  • Require and preserve content type for filtered rest requests #84914 (issue: #84784)
  • Return empty version instead of blowing up if we cannot find it #85244
  • Validate index format agreement for system index descriptors #85173
  • Wrap thread creation in doPrivileged call #85180
  • Strengthen elasticsearch plugin version check #85340 (issue: #85336)
  • Correctly return _type field for documents in V7 compatiblity mode #84873 (issue: #84173)
  • Mark GeoIpDownloaderTask as completed after cancellation #84028
  • CompoundProcessor should also catch exceptions when executing a processor #84838 (issue: #84781)
  • Fix license downgrade warnings for API Keys and Tokens #85276 (issue: #75271)
Machine Learning
  • Allow retrieving boolean fields from _source in DFA jobs #85672
  • Avoid multiple queued quantiles documents in renormalizer #85555 (issue: #85539)
  • Disallow new trained model deployments when nodes are different versions #85465
  • Do not fetch source when finding index of last state docs #85334
  • Ensure that inference index primary shards are available before attempting to load model #85569
  • Fix Kibana date format and similar overrides in text structure endpoint #84967
  • Fix race condition when stopping a recently relocated datafeed #84636
  • Fix serialisation of text embedding updates #85863
  • Fixes for multi-line start patterns in text structure endpoint #85066
  • Fixes to making old ML indices hidden #85383
  • Reallocate model deployments on node shutdown events #85310
  • Retry datafeed searches on skipped CCS clusters #84052 (issue: #83838)
  • Return all Datafeeds with GET Anomaly Detector #84759
  • Do not fail on duplicated content field filters #85382
  • Runtime fields core-with-mapped tests support tsdb #83577
  • Remove use of Cloudflare zlib #84680
  • Add support for comma delimited index patterns to rollup job configuration #47041 (issue: #45591)
  • Add range checks to interval multiplication operation #83478 (issue: #83336)
  • Avoid empty last pages for GROUP BY queries when possible #84356 (issue: #75528)
  • Fix SQLCompatIT.testCursorFromOldNodeFailsOnNewNode #85531 (issue: #85520)
  • Fix issues with format=txt when paging through result sets and in mixed node environments #83833 (issues: #83581, #83788)
  • Improve ROUND and TRUNCATE to better manage Long values and big Doubles #85106 (issues: #85105, #49391)
  • Use exact attributes for script templates from scalar functions #84813 (issue: #80551)
  • RANDOM(<expr>) always evaluates to NULL if <expr> is NULL #84632 (issue: #84627)
  • Fix point visitor in DiskUsage API #84909
  • Fix skip caching factor with indices.queries.cache.all_segments #85510
  • Increase store ref before analyzing disk usage #84774
  • Limit concurrent shard requests in disk usage API #84900 (issue: #84779)
  • Rewrite match_all inside must_not #85999
  • DotExpandingXContentParser to expose the original token location #84970
  • TransportBroadcastAction should always set response for each shard #84926
  • Authentication.token now uses version from the existing authentication #85978
  • Ensure tokens represent effective user’s identity in all cases #84263
  • Don’t fail if there is no symlink for AWS Web Identity Token #84697
  • Expose proxy settings for GCS repositories #85785 (issue: #84569)
  • Fix atomic writes in HDFS #85210
  • Fix leaking listeners bug on frozen tier #85239
  • Fix snapshot status messages on node-left #85021
  • Ignore frozen shared cache file during data folder upgrades #85638 (issue: #85603)
  • [s3-repository] Lookup AWS Region for STS Client from STS endpoint #84585 (issue: #83826)
  • Discard intermediate results upon cancellation for stats endpoints #82685 (issue: #82337)
  • Correctly validate permissions when retention policy is configured #85413 (issue: #85409)
  • Avoiding watcher validation errors when a data stream points to more than one index #85507 (issue: #85508)
  • Log at WARN level for Watcher cluster state validation errors #85632
  • No longer require master node to install Watcher templates #85287 (issue: #85043)


  • Aggs: no filter-by-filter if _doc_count field #84427 (issue: #84048)
  • Extract agg bounds from queries in FILTER #83902
  • Give Lucene more opportunities to enable the filter-by-filter optimization #85322
  • Improve performance of date_histogram when date histogram is in a BoostingQuery #83751 (issues: #82384, #75542)
  • Make allocation explanations more actionable #83983
  • Use static empty store files metadata #84034
  • User Profile - Audit security config change for profile APIs #84785
  • Adds domain information to authentication object #82639
  • Improve BWC for persisted authentication headers #83913 (issue: #83567)
  • Warn on SAML attributes with special attribute names #85248 (issue: #48613)
  • Add elastic/enterprise-search-server service account #83325
  • Add index privileges for logs-enterprise_search.api-default to the enterprise-search-server service account #84965
  • Add indices permissions to Enterprise Search service account #85726
  • Note restricted indices in access denied message #85013
  • Security global privilege for updating profile data of applications #83728
  • [Osquery] Extend kibana_system role with an access to osquery_manager indices #84279
  • Speed up Reading RetentionLeases from the Wire #85159
Cluster Coordination
  • Avoid deserializing cluster states on master #58416
  • Improve logging for connect-back failures #84915
  • Remove intermediate map from master task execution #84406
  • Reuse JoinTaskExecutor #85325
  • Speed up MetadataStateFormat Writes #85138
Data streams
  • Speed up DatastreamTimestampFieldMapper#postParse #85270
  • Add elasticsearch health API #83119
  • Add geohex_grid aggregation to vector tiles API #84553
  • Added buffer pixels to vector tile spec parsing #84710 (issue: #84492)
  • Normalise polygons only when necessary #84229 (issue: #35349)
  • Support GeoJSON for geo_point #85120
  • Fix naming in health indicators #83587
  • ILM/SLM health indicator services #83440
  • Introduce dedicated interface for health indicator details #83417
  • Repository integrity health indicator services #83445
  • Shards allocation health indicator services #83513
  • Cache ILM policy name on IndexMetadata #83603 (issue: #83582)
  • GET _index_template and GET _component_template request support query parameter flat_settings #83297
  • Make rollover cancellable #81763 #84584 (issue: #81763)
  • Rollover add max_primary_shard_docs condition #80981
  • Speed up ILM cluster task execution #85405 (issue: #82708)
Indices APIs
  • Batch add index block cluster state updates #84374
  • Batch close-indices cluster state updates #84259
  • Batch open-indices cluster state updates #83760
  • Remove LegacyCTRAL from TransportRolloverAction #84166
  • Add support for negtive epoch timestamps #80208 (issues: #79135, #72123, #40983)
  • Allow yaml values for dynamic node settings #85186 (issue: #65577)
  • Improve XContent Array Parser #84477
  • Optimize ImmutableOpenMap.Builder #85184
  • Provide system attribute when resolving system indices #85042 (issue: #82671)
  • Remove Lucene split packages #82132 (issue: #81981)
  • Simplify reading a list and converting it to a map from stream #84183
  • Speed up CompressedXContent Serialization #84802
  • Update readMap to avoid resizing map during reading #84045
  • Warn on slow signature verification #84766 (issue: #80480)
  • Script: Fields API for Dense Vector #83550
  • Do not throw exceptions when resolving paths in ingest documents #84659
  • RemoveProcessor updated to support fieldsToKeep #83665
Machine Learning
  • Add ML memory stats API #83802
  • Add support for RoBERTa and BART NLP models #84777
  • Add throughput stats for Trained Model Deployments #84628
  • Improve zero_shot_classification tokenization performance #84988 (issue: #84820)
  • Check the utf8 length of keyword field is not bigger than 32766 in ES, rather than in Lucene. #83738 (issue: #80865)
  • Make FieldMapper.Param Cheaper to Construct #85191
  • Terms enum support for doc value only keyword fields #83482 (issue: #83451)
  • Use Throttling Netty Write Handler on HTTP Path #84751
Query Languages
  • Improve failure logging in recovery-from-snapshot #84910
  • Use SecureString for reindex from remote password #85091
  • Add leniency option to SQL CLI #83795 (issue: #67436)
  • Forward warning headers to JDBC driver #84499
  • List data streams as VIEWs #85168 (issue: #83449)
  • PIT for GROUP BY and PIVOT queries #84605 (issue: #84349)
  • Replace scroll cursors with point-in-time and search_after #83381 (issues: #61873, #80523)
  • Add filtering to fieldcaps endpoint #83636 (issue: #82966)
  • Group field caps response by index mapping hash #83494 (issues: #78665, #82879)
  • Integrate filtering support for ANN #84734 (issue: #81788)
  • Speed up merging field-caps response #83704
  • Bind host all instead of just site when needed #83145
  • Fleet: Add a new mapping for .fleet-actions-results action_input_type field #84316
  • Update X509Certificate principal methods #85163 (issue: #81008)
  • User Profile - Add APIs for enable/disable profile #84548
  • User Profile - Add rest spec files and tests #83307
  • User Profile - More REST spec, tests, API docs #84597
  • User Profile - Update APIs to work with domain #83570
  • User Profile - Update xpack usage output for domains #84747
  • User Profile - capture domain when creating API keys and tokens #84547
  • User Profile: Add feature flag #83347
  • User Profile: Add initial search profile API #83191
  • User Profile: handle racing on creating new profile #84208
  • TSDB: Expand _id on version conflict #84957
  • TSDB: Reject the nested object fields that are configured time_series_dimension #83920
  • TSDB: routingPath object type check improvement #83310
  • TSDB: shrink _id inverted index #85008
  • Add list of allowed domains for Watcher email action #84894 (issue: #84739)

New features

  • New random_sampler aggregation for sampling documents in aggregations #84363
  • Add JWT realm support for JWT validation #83155
  • Add smoke test for JWT realm wiring #84249
  • Support mail, name, and dn claims in JWT realms #84907
  • API Key APIs with Security Domain #84704
  • Add Health Indicator Plugin #83205
  • Adding impacts block to the health info API response #84899 (issue: #84773)
Indices APIs
  • Adding cat api for component template #71274 (issue: #68941)
  • Introduce an unauthenticated endpoint for readiness checks #84375 (issue: #81168)
Machine Learning
  • Adds new change_point pipeline aggregation #83428
  • Introduce lookup runtime fields #82385
  • Resolve wildcards in disk usage API #84832
  • TSDB: Support GET and DELETE and doc versioning #82633


  • Upgrade jackson for x-content to 2.13.2 #84905
  • Bump commons-compress to 1.21 #85581
  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.74 #84562
  • Upgrade to lucene 9.1.0-snapshot-5b522487ba8 #85025